Chapter 832

on the New World of the sea, an island made of steel cast is slowly forward.

如果仔细观察地话就会发现,这并非是一座真正的“岛屿”,而是一艘船,一艘规格极其庞大、仿佛是一座岛屿的超级battleship 。

battleship 之上,数不清的soldier 正在紧锣密鼓地忙碌着,看他们的制服,和Marine 有着明显的差别,他们正是World Government 统领之下的另外一支军队,那一支The invincible army on the Red Line continent has suppressed the “army” of countless kingdoms.


浮岛要塞中心位置的一栋高楼之上、作战指挥室的楼顶,一道身穿长袍的高大silhouette 眺望Following the direction of Marine Headquarters, he asked the person behind him casually.

身穿科研white 工作服的贝加庞克挑了挑眉,“没错,她是我最杰出的作品了!”

贝加庞克的声音中带着A little unpleasant, because in his mind, this floating island fortress is his proudest work, except that it does not have the destructive power of “a bombing and flattening an island”, in the eyes of Begapunk, this floating island fortress Has long surpassed the legendary super battleship, “Dark King” Pluto. But in Eim’s tone, Begapunk seemed to hear a taste of sarcasm.


这个奇怪的家伙身份地位在“Gorosei ”之上那又怎么样?He is just a scientist, not his lackey, how can he be such a frivolous scientist?

伊姆没有过多关注浮岛要塞,而是提出了另外一个问题:“那些和平Pacifista 是你利用bloodline 因子理论制造出来的吧?”



浮岛要塞是他在“材料科学”领域的重大breakthrough ,bloodline 因子是他在“生物科学”领域的巨Great Accomplishment 就,而且这两项还有一个共同点,那就是“ The development of “artificial intelligence”.

Red Line continent 上的陆军哪里懂得操作什么浮岛要塞,这座海上要塞完全是由智能电脑控制着自主航行;和平Pacifista 更是拥有着一套完整的逻辑思维。


“能把bloodline 因子理论研究到这种程度,本来我是应该表扬你的,只是……”

伊姆回头看了贝加庞克一眼,贝加庞Keton shuddered. The mysterious person’s eyes seemed to have deep magic power, which could easily penetrate a person.


贝加庞克内心一惊,难道这个mysterious person 发现了那个秘密?

“zi zi ……”

deck 上传来的声响印证了贝加庞克的猜测。


那些原本在要塞的deck 上排成阵列的和平Pacifista 原本明亮的双目瞬间黯淡,那些造价高昂、在Grand Line 前半段几乎无敌的存在纷纷失去了行动能力,无一例外。



曾经的他面对Gorosei 不会产生任何怯懦之意,今天的他即便面对的是伊姆,贝加庞克同样如此。




饶是从来都懒得与旁人交流的贝加庞克,今天也发现自己有些看不懂这个mysterious 的怪人了。


为了争夺生存资源,这群猴子everyday all 需要和其他的生物大打出手,可猴子毕竟只是猴子,没有办法彻底击败其他的生物,也就无法称霸丛林。


Relying on the knowledge learned from humans, this monkey led the monkey group to use tools to defeat other animals in the jungle, and this monkey is also called the genius of the monkey group by other monkeys, and even some monkeys还给了它’领先猴群500年’的美誉。


一直眺望着远方的伊姆终于回头看了贝加庞克At a glance, he smiled, but Issho cocked Begapunk’s mouth with anger.



以往都是他嘲笑别人是落后愚昧的猴子,this time ,换成了他被别人嘲笑。



人类的world 是continuously 发展、continuously 进步的,“古代”的东西怎么可能比得过“现代”?There is only one situation that can cause this result: the glorious ancient civilization suffered a certain force majeure and devastating blow, which caused a fault in the scientific knowledge of mankind.


毫无疑问,贝加庞克绝对是人类文明史上一位伟大的科学家,UU看书 但是在那些早已掌握了高等科技的文明眼中,即便是被人类奉为The genius Begapunk was just a slightly smarter monkey.

贝加庞克looked towards 伊姆的目光中产生了深深的忌惮,这是贝加庞克出生以来第一次感到畏惧,不是强权,不是地位,不是力量,而是伊Mu’s attainments in scientific and technological civilization made Bergapunke feel real powerless.

这个凌驾于Gorosei 之上的mysterious 存在到底是个什么东西?Is he really an old monster who has lived for more than 800 years?


Yim no longer looked at Bergapunk. He turned around, taking him as the center of the circle, a mysterious energy flooded in all directions, and even the space seemed to be distorted strangely.

贝加庞克stared wide-eyed ,他感觉自己的world 观都被颠覆了,那些原本已经报废的和平Pacifista 竟然再次恢复了行动能力,伊姆竟是虚空改写了他们芯片中program of.