Chapter 182: Appreciation of the Earl of Lumbar

"Is this the manor of Earl Rumbar..."

Willy was a little surprised when he saw the walls and architectural style full of years in front of him.

Willy originally thought that the residence of Count Rumbar would be full of aristocratic luxury, but now it looks very simple.

"Maybe this is the real aristocratic style..."

Willie muttered to himself.

True aristocrats need years to accumulate.

The older the noble, the stronger the sense of honor in his bones. What they admire most is the splendor and glory of the past.

The first earl of Daweibull Province, who fought on the battlefield with the Grand Duke of Khaziel, established the meritorious deeds of the Principality of Langton.

As a reward, the Grand Duke of Khaziel bestowed the fertile province of Davipur to the ancestors of the Earl of Lumbar.

Although it is only the title of earl, the prosperity of the territory is more than that of some marquis territories.

Therefore, Earl of Lumbar is very important to the honor that his ancestors have lasted for more than three hundred years.

"go in."

Kirk disbanded the elite cavalry regiment behind him and rode into the manor with Willy.

The manor is very tightly defended, and there are almost no patrolling dead spots.

Among the guards on patrol, the weakest are the mid-level knight attendants, and in White Bear Town, they are the elites of the personal soldiers.

The patrolling guards of the manor are all of this strength. It is a little difficult for Willy to imagine how strong the elite soldiers around Lumbar will be.

Could it be that they are all knight-level superhumans... It's a bit scary to think about it.

"Lord Kirk."

Kirk and Willie had just stopped in front of a quaint loft.

As soon as he dismounted, a personal soldier came forward and saluted Kirk.

"Is Your Count here?"

Kirk asked the personal soldier.

The personal soldier nodded: "The Count is inside, but he is now receiving other guests."

"Other guests?"

Kirk frowned: "Who is it?"

"It's Lord Fideley of the Knights of the Holy Light."

The personal soldier answered Kirk truthfully.

Knights of the Light?

Willy, who was standing aside, heard this name for the first time.

It seems to be a knight organization. Since this person named Fideli can be summoned by Count Rumbar himself, his identity must be unusual.

"Lord Fidley?"

A look of surprise appeared in Kirk's eyes: "Why did Lord Fideley come to the manor?"

"I'm not quite sure about that."

The personal soldier bowed slightly, and then returned to his post.

"Even Kirk wants to call himself an adult..."

Willie grasped the detail.

Kirk shook his head, turned his head and said to Willy: "It seems that it is a bit unfortunate now that the Count is receiving other distinguished guests. In this case, we can go to the Count's living room to wait first."

Kirk is very familiar with the Earl's Manor.

Although there is also the title of Viscount, and the fief is in a wealthy area not far from Golden Flower City, Kirk rarely returns there.

Compared with his peers, his talent is excellent. Now he is only thirty years old, and he is already a middle-level great knight, and he is highly regarded by Count Rumbar.

He spends most of his time in Golden Flower City, and his family is also in Golden Flower City. His own territory, for him, is a place to provide tax revenue, far less important than White Bear Town for Willy.

Kirk took Willy to the parlour.

There were several parlors in the manor of Count Rumbar, and Kirk took Willy to the nearest one.

"It seems to be all precious objects..."

Willy looked at the things on the shelf next to the living room and said a word.

Whether it's a vase or a sculpture, it looks extremely dated and has an indescribable charm.

"These are the treasures of the Gavic family for more than 300 years."

Kirk said to Willy.

The Gavic family is the family of Earl Lumbar.

"Lord Kirk..."

Willy turned to look at Kirk, thought for a moment and asked, "You mentioned the Knights of the Holy Light just now, what is it?"

Kirk seemed to have long expected Willy to ask this question, so he was not at all surprised: "The Knights of the Light... a powerful and extraordinary organization that strictly adheres to the spirit of chivalry, and its members are basically all trained in the light knight breathing technique. The knights are a relatively pure knight organization."

"The purpose of their organization is probably similar to your code of justice for the Hanged Man."

Kirk looked at Willy with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

A young man full of justice is indeed more reassuring to get along with.

As long as it is not the Hanged Man whose own principles of justice are too extreme, it can be widely recognized by everyone.

"A light-based extraordinary knight order that adheres to the spirit of chivalry?"

From Kirk's words, Willey captures several key points.

Adhering to the spirit of chivalry and the core of its purpose is justice, which means that this Knights of the Light is a positive organization.

On the surface at least, they demanded of themselves with qualities such as humility, sacrifice, honesty, and justice, and they were very idealistic.

This made Willy feel a little surprised. In this institutional world where noble lords are supreme, there is still such an organization.

In addition, there is another point that Willy paid attention to.

The members of this Holy Light Knights are all knights.

A knight, that is an extraordinary existence. You must know that in most baronial territories, there are only one or two knight-level existences.

And every member of this Holy Light Knights is actually a knight, which is a bit terrifying.

"Does this Knights of Light have many members?"

Willie asked further.

Kirk nodded without the slightest impatience: "There should be a lot, but I don't know the exact number of members. The Knights of the Light does not belong to the Duchy of Langton. It originated in a distant foreign country, and the Knights of the Light is extremely powerful. , spread all over the continent, and the Principality of Langton is just a station for them."

Speaking of which, even Kirk himself showed an expression of amazement.

Although he is a noble viscount of the Principality of Langton, he is really insignificant when compared to the entire world continent.

Those kingdoms and even empires, as well as extremely powerful extraordinary organizations, are all existences that they need to look up to.

"Is it an independent extraordinary organization...and its power spreads across the entire continent..."

Willy originally thought that all extraordinary powers were in the hands of various countries, but now it seems that this is not the case. Some extraordinary organizations seem to be independent of all living beings.

Willy had read a lot of history and geography, and he knew a little about the outside world.

Although the Principality of Langton is strong, it is really vulnerable compared to those empires and kingdoms.

According to the vague historical records, those powerful kingdoms occupied the center of the continent and were the most prosperous and prosperous places in the world.

And as a baron, he can't even be considered a dragon on the world stage.

However, Willy didn't care much. With the title attribute panel, he might be able to go further afield.

"I don't know if the Earl and Lord Fidley have finished communicating..."

Kirk paused for a moment.

Just thinking about it, I saw a guard hurried over: "Lord Kirk, the conversation between Lord Count and Lord Fideley has ended, and now he asks you to come over immediately."

Kirk replied, "I know."

Then he turned to look at Willy: "Let's go, go see the count."

Under the leadership of Kirk, Willy came to the study of Count Rumbar.

The door knocked open, and Kirk and Willy walked in together.

As soon as Willy entered, he saw an old man with gray hair.

His hair was deliberately brushed back, and his face was deeply wrinkled.

From the gleaming calm and dignified eyes of the old man, it could be seen that he was a man who had held a high position for a long time.

"Lord Count."

Kirk was the first to salute.

Willy followed closely behind, bowing to make a courtesy: "I have seen the earl."

"Are you Willy Phelan?"

Although he had long heard of Willy's name and made him a baron himself, Count Rumbar had never met Willy before.

So now that he saw it, Count Rumbar took a careful look at Willy.

Young, this is the first impression of Count Rumbar.

"Yes, Lord Count."

Willy replied respectfully.

"I want to thank you this time. If it wasn't for you, I might have become the laughing stock of the entire Principality of Langton."

Count Rumbar didn't mind showing Willy his previous embarrassment at all.

"You don't need to do this. Guarding my territory and its citizens is my duty as the Baron of White Bear Town."

Willie responded.

Count Lumbar burst into laughter when he heard this.

Smiling, he nodded.

Count Rumbar liked Willy's answer.

That's right, as a qualified lord, you must have the determination to guard the territory to the death.

Count Lumbar himself is like this. He must do his best to win the war. This is a responsibility to the lords, and more importantly, an account of himself, and a practice of the glorious will of the ancestors.

"As expected of the Hanged Man with the heart of justice."

Count Rumbar praised.

For the Hanged Man group, almost everyone has a natural favorable impression.

After Willy killed the leader of the Green Shell Pirates last time, Count Rumbar knew that Willy was a hanged man.

Although Count Rumbar has seen many hanged men, Willy is the only hanged man with aristocratic status, which is very rare.

"As a hanged man, shouldn't you travel around the continent and punish sin?"

Earl Rumbar talked to Willy like a chat, with a smile on his face: "But you are guarding in White Bear Town, won't you lose your righteous heart?"

Speaking of this, Kirk on the side also glanced at Willy.

In fact, he was also curious about this question.

Seeing Willy again this time, he feels Willy's power of justice is stronger. However, because of the high-level knight vindictiveness in Willy's body, he could not see the strength of Willy's Hanged Man's ability clearly.

As the strength got closer, Kirk couldn't see Willy clearly.

"Every Hanged Man abides by a different code of justice. For me, guarding the safety of the people is my code of justice."

Willy started to babble without changing his face.

Of course, although it is a lie, what Willy said is a real phenomenon.

The ability to inspire the Hanged Man stems from the birth of his own righteous heart. The heart of justice, on the other hand, emerges from the individual's understanding of the concept of justice.

Therefore, not everyone's righteous heart has the same will.

In fact, there are extreme examples in the Hanged Man.

Some people with confused and distorted ideas believe that justice is killing and destroying. And by chance, they inspired their own specific "justice" hearts, so they possessed extraordinary power and began to do evil.

This kind of person, on the contrary, is the existence that the Hanged Man most wants to kill.

This kind of justice belongs to negative justice, and it has the same origin as malicious power, and the outside world will not recognize them as the hanged man.

When these guys stimulate their extraordinary power, it is not the same righteous magnetic field as the Hanged Man, but a malicious magnetic field that can be clearly perceived. Therefore, there is basically no such thing as a person pretending to be the real hanged man.

In the final analysis, the acquisition of the Hanged Man's ability is the combination and echo of his own spiritual beliefs and the mysterious power of nature.

Therefore, almost every Hanged Man is very stubborn in his so-called obsession with justice.

Because once this obsession is lost, they will lose all power.

"I appreciate your code of justice."

For what Willy said, Count Rumbar agreed very much, after all, he belonged to the noble camp.

"You said that the two enemy forces were destroyed this time because of the existence of a magical beast and two secret masters in your territory?"

Count Rumbar was a little curious.

It is really rare for a boy from a village to gather these talents in less than a year.

"Yes." Willy responded, "a bronze-level monster, a junior mage, and a momentary aphasia."


Earl Rumbar raised his brows. Aphasia is a profession as rare as the Hanged Man.

But he is not surprised, a righteous hanged man often has many followers.

Count Lumbar did not continue to inquire about the origins of the monsters and the mystic. Everyone has their own secrets, so there is really no need to investigate.

"Although you are guarding your own territory, you have indeed contributed to the province of Davipur."

Earl Rumbar said to Willy: "I've been thinking about what to reward you, but I haven't decided yet. In this case, you can live in Golden Flower City for some time now, and then do it when I come up with a reward for you. Final decision."

When Willy heard the words, a hint of doubt appeared in his heart, but he still responded.

"Okay You can go to rest first, and I will find a waiter to arrange a place for you."

Count Rumbar ordered: "As for Kirk, you stay first."


Willie and Kirk responded at the same time.

"Lord Count, then I'll retire first."

Willie bowed slightly and walked out of the door.

Only Count Rumbar and Kirk were left in the house.

"You don't seem to understand my decision?"

Count Rumbar seemed to see Kirke's doubts: "Is it true that I will immediately issue a reward according to my style of behavior?"

Kirk nodded, he really didn't want to understand.

It seems that there is no need to think about the merits of a baron.