Chapter 264: Opportunities and plans

"Lord Baron..."

Sandor organized the language, and then asked tentatively: "Will the coming of the era of independent lords be an opportunity for us?"

an opportunity?

Dahn and Thorpes looked at Sandor with astonished eyes, and then suddenly realized something, all turned to look at Willy.

After the era of independent lords, there must be disputes and wars everywhere. For most lords and lords, this will be a miserable disaster.

But for some ambitious careerists, this is an opportunity.

When the situation in the principality was stable, the lords at the bottom could only stick to their own land. However, after the advent of the era of independent lords, as long as you have the ability, you can realize the ambition to expand the territory.

When Sandor asked this sentence, Dahn and Thorps suddenly realized that they seemed to be imprisoned by the disputes and wars in the history books. Judging from the current environment, the current White Bear Town , seems to have a really good background.

If Baron Willy really has ambitions...

The eyes of several people shifted to Willy instantly, waiting for Willy's response.

Suddenly asked by Sandor about this, Willy just smiled faintly.

Sandor really grasped the details. Since he came to the town hall to discuss this matter, Baron Willy himself seemed to be in a rather relaxed posture.

When he first received this letter, Willy was a little dazed and even nervous.

The change in the general situation, even Willy himself, felt that it was difficult to control and stabilize the situation.

But on the way to Cema Town Office, Willy's original mood gradually calmed down. After sorting out the historical knowledge he had learned, he suddenly found that he seemed to have some advantages in this turmoil.

His own White Bear Town not only has a strong military, but also has an advantage in economic development. In the era of chaotic lords fighting, if you take the initiative to attack, it may also be a good choice.

Although there are certain risks that need to be taken, if the success is achieved...

"Of course, in any crisis, there are tempting opportunities. If we can protect ourselves, it is also a good choice to use this opportunity to promote the rapid development of White Bear Town."

Willy pondered for a moment, and then gave a response to the three.

As soon as Willy's voice fell, Sandor, Dahn, and Thorps all flashed strange colors in their eyes.

Willy's words also gave them a signal.

In this coming era of turmoil, White Bear Town, led by Baron Willy, will take the initiative to fight for something while protecting itself.

For a time, the three Sandor's hearts were pounding.

Will the experiences of those independent lords fighting for hegemony in the history books be shown again on Baron Willy in front of me...

If this is the case, if I, my subordinates, can make achievements and establish a career...

Thinking of this, Thorpes was better, Sandor and Dahn, indescribable fiery flashed in their eyes.

If White Bear Town can take this opportunity to become a large-scale independent lord, it will gain a better status no matter if it is to rely on external forces to become its own power in the future, or to submit to the new duchy lord. Assuming Willy becomes an earl, then he and others will also receive the title of aristocratic status.

If they can overcome the obstacles and become their own power... Thinking of this, Sandor and Dahn can't help themselves.

It's no wonder that these two white bear town dignitaries have such thoughts. In this era, aristocratic status is simply an irresistible temptation.

"Lord Baron, what should we do?"

Sandor clenched his fists unconsciously, looking at Willy with hope in his eyes.

Crisis has come, but opportunity has also come.

"After the news has completely spread, Baixiong Town will officially raise the security level to wartime security."

Willy seems to have already made plans for this: "Strengthen the supplement of border defenses, establish a military service system, and double the proportion of military expenditures in the financial budget. This matter is up to the three parties to negotiate together."

"In addition, do everything possible to exchange wartime resources so that the survival of White Bear Town can be fully guaranteed. Sandor, you are the leader of the town office, and you have full authority to handle this matter."

"Finally, step up the training of the alternative Knights. Of course, this matter is Budar's job, and I will tell him later."

Afterwards, Willy presented a few more points.

However, several key points are that the defensive attributes are stronger, and the purpose is to accumulate enough resources in the early days of the independent lord era.

Because once the unrest really begins, the resources that can be easily obtained in peacetime will become difficult to obtain.

"What other thoughts do you have?"

Willy looked at the three and asked.

The three bowed their heads in thought.

"I think we need to seize all the time to start the construction of the fortifications." Thorps pondered for a moment, then said, "At the same time, in addition to the land line of defense, we have to strengthen the defense of the sea. You know, the coastal waters near us Lord, but there are quite a few, if they have a crooked mind about Baixiong Town, they will definitely attack us from the water."

"Don't worry about this issue. The coastal defense team will unite with the sea elves to build a tight line of defense off the coast of White Bear Town."

It was Dahn who spoke, and there was a strong confidence in his tone.

Although Thorps and Sandor now know the secret trade between White Bear and the Sea Elves, they know very little about the Sea Elves compared to Dahn. Because of the contact with the sea elves and the war and trade, Willy was handed over to Dahn to take full responsibility.

"Dahn is right. In addition, if White Bear Town is in trouble with resources in the future, they will also provide us with sufficient protection. We can get the ores on the seabed, as well as marine resources."

In fact, this is also one of the rare advantages that Willy believes that White Bear Town has.

Even if the era of independent lords comes, he still has a stable way to obtain resources.

Now it seems that it was a very wise decision to open up the trade link of the Kara coral tribe at that time.

"We don't need to worry about Haiphong for the time being. It's enough for Dahn to handle it. It's fortifications, and we need to put it on the agenda."

Willy continued: "The Town Office and the Guards Office will discuss the construction plan of the fortifications together. If necessary, I can ask Ben Duyin to assist."

Ben Du Yin is an intermediate-level earth-type mage. If he is involved in the construction of the fortifications, it will save a lot of time at some key points.


Thorps and Sandor responded at the same time.

In the early days of the independent lord era, the work pressure of the Guards Department and the Town Office was significantly greater.

"Okay, let's not waste time. Before tonight, I want to see the next step of the White Bear Town's planning from the Town Office, the Guards' Office, and the Coast Defence Team."

Willy rubbed his fingers and asked again: "Also, do a good job of confidentiality first, just let the core personnel of their respective departments know about this matter. Everyone arranges the plan in advance and waits for everyone to know the news. , we began to implement the plan. After all, it will take at least ten days or even half a month for this news to really spread to the southwest border and let the people know and confirm it.”


The three responded at the same time.

"Okay, let's go."

Willy stood up: "By the way, after finishing the work tonight, don't forget to participate in the wedding of my eldest brother Thorpes tomorrow."


Thorps looked at Willie in surprise. Such a thing happened, and he had planned to postpone the wedding: "If such a thing happened, do you want to continue the wedding?"

"Of course Willy smiled at his elder brother Thorpes: "After making the plan tonight, the rest will be handed over to the subordinates for implementation. And your wedding should not be postponed, otherwise it will cause suspicion and doubts of outsiders. During this period, at least on the surface, nothing should change. Let's not give other lords the appearance that we know the news in advance. Although as high-ranking lords, they may get the news in a day or two before the commoners, but we still have to try our best to exercise restraint. "


Thorps finally nodded, agreeing with Willie's idea.

That's fine, at least it won't make his parents feel lost because of the sudden cancellation of the wedding.

"That's it, everyone, the future of White Bear Town depends on everyone."

Willy looked at Dahn and Sandor again and encouraged.

Several people no longer hesitated, said goodbye to each other, and each began to prepare for the coming era of turmoil.
