Chapter 227

Late Hello, it is a queen.

As you all know, the main part of the dungeon maker has been completed.
I have been running since early September of last year.

I spent every seven months thinking about all of the dungeon makers every day.

So I'm very sorry. I feel a bit worse than cool emotions.

I should still call it comforting … I am going to have a rest for a month or two this time.
– Maybe, April is also the competition period.

The goal is to use as much as you can to fill a volume like Nite or SG, but I do not know if it is possible: D Dungeon maker shares the world view with the players and the world maker.
Since this book has hidden the connection with the players as much as possible, it seems that hidden stories and connection points are revealed in SS.

It is the meeting of Yongho and Tianryongje, which are all ancient (?), And the impressions of Yongho Lee, Yongsan who after Seoul Yongsan Daejeon, and Yongho who encounter Gangseok Lee …

SS is going to cover both the time of the main part and the story after the ending.
– Please leave a comment if you have a story you would like to see specially. I will refer to it positively: D Something is getting lonely. I believe that you will understand; if it was impressive while writing a dungeon maker; I have a gallbladder surgery. I also go to the emergency room, do the surgery … I had such a lot of things, but I am glad to be able to complete the series safely.

It is said every time, but I will do it again because it is important.

Stories and characters require both writers and readers to gain life.
When the readers laugh, cry and share their emotions with the characters, the story becomes alive and breathed.

Thank you for bringing breath to everyone in Yongho, Katarina, Kaiyuan, Drethara Shastra, and Citrine and other dungeon makers.
I was able to finish another story like this because I had your support.

As I mentioned before, I am going to go back after having a break for a month or two. Maybe I should be able to say hello again in May.
– Again, I am going to be published irregularly in the meantime.
– Once a story or SS will be posted during the weekend.
– We are always welcomed as much as we are finished, and we are always welcomed. I have a lot of love with Ophilia, Tigrius, Giusy and Szahaha, Amon of defensive power, and Dritarastra, my darling, and Lucia and Yuria, Citrine … I was happy to have everyone in the dungeon maker.

My father, my mother, my sister, my dude, who helped me in the serialization of the dungeon maker. Mr. Lee, Mr. DiDat, my friend who made a cover and a nice setup.

Thank you.

I'll see you in the next game.
Happy today!

Late end