Chapter 3945

By, Heaven and Earth are overweight.

Ling Han has also repeatedly broken through the limits, and was directed by Heaven and Earth, but has not encountered any situation where the six-word mantra can not be weakened.

This ten-in-one is too heaven defying, at least this simplified version of the six-word mantra can’t be countered.

Ling Han condenses the soul of the soul, and also transforms into an adult shape, welcoming the golden human form.


A single blow, Ling Han was smashed, and the golden figure was too strong.

Fortunately, this is the soul body, even if it is smashed into two, it will be fine, but it will weaken some soul power.

Ling Han immediately regained his body and continued to kill the golden figure. On the other hand, he was actively shaping Xian Ding.

As long as Xian Ding is formed, then Heaven and Earth can’t help him. Otherwise, the pieces of Xian Ding in the Sea of ​​Consciousness will gradually lose their vitality and cannot be merged.


He rushed up and fought the golden human figure to gain time.

The golden human figure holds the saber in his hand, and screams at Ling Han. As soon as a saber goes down, Ling Han’s soul will be split into two pieces. In the process of reintegration, a soul will be annihilated.

For Ling Han, this is a heavy blow, and the soul is weakened to a certain extent, and he will become an idiot.

After blocking a few sabers, Ling Han knew that this would not work. He didn’t have to wait for Xian Ding to make it, he had to be killed.

I have no choice but to use the cards.

He mobilized the power of the living thing in the body, and the blessing of the ecstasy, suddenly let Ling Han’s soul shine, and if there is a god.

The golden figure was obviously paused. It seemed very surprised that Ling Han’s body would have a sigh of life, but after a meal, the saber in his hand succumbed unrelentingly.

Ling Han block.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The philosophers turned into a first layer protection barrier, effectively blocking the golden humanoid saber, but when a saber smashed, Ling Han felt that the students had lost a lot of power, and he forced him to continuously extract and maintain This First Layer shield.

Ten Han, a hundred, a thousand, Ling Han has been numb, he has been tens of thousands of saber, and all the living things in the body are wilting, and already offer the Divine Sense power.

Ling Han gritted his teeth, the new Xian Ding was about to be formed, and it was a little bit worse.

Dead support!

Hey, the golden figure is a saber, and Ling Han’s power shield suddenly collapses. He doesn’t take any more power to bless, otherwise his plane will collapse.

His soul is impatient, not with the golden human form.

In the case of Yu Zhuding, such a golden human figure is simply unsolvable. It is estimated that Lianshengdan peak can be easily smashed by it. It is a miracle that Ling Han can fight for such a long time.

The golden humanoid wood is expressionless, and even, it has no facial features, just a humanoid face.

It chased it, not angry, not a stunned, a saber.

澶揩浜嗭纴Ling Han 镙 湰镞犳硶闂︼ 湰镞犳硶闂︼ 锛屽彧鑳 锛屽彧鑳 锛屽彧鑳

涓€saber 涓嫔幓锛孡ing Han 椤挎椂琚叞鏂╋纴杩樻 夌瓑浠栭 夌瓑浠栭 濉戦 濉戦 濉戦 浣掳纴 浣掳纴 sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa saワ纴浠庣珫 屽皢浠栦簩鍒嗕 屽皢浠栦簩鍒嗕 锲 锲 €


Ling Han 镄勯琼浣揿彉鎴愪 瓒婃潵瓒婂镄勭鍧楋纴 瓒婃潵瓒婂镄勭鍧楋纴 key acne sa€saber 涓嫔幓锛屼粬镄勭伒 备 备 备 备 琚秷Call


Ling Han Forged Silicone Keypad Umbrella


adhere to!

Reading ship 鍐嶆尌saber 锛屽嵈鏄病 chain


鍦↙ing Han 镄凷ea of Consciousness 涓纴鍙墿涓嬩竴鍙e敮涓€镄勪粰榧庯纴瑕佹瘮铡熸潵镄勪粰榧庡ぇ涓婂嚑鍙凤纴钖炲悙镌 浠橯 浠橯 锛屼竴娌変竴娴纴 锛屼竴娌変竴娴纴 変竴绉嶉毦浠ヨ 杩 杩 杩 杩 杩 殑澶 纾呯ご銆 纾呯ご銆 纾呯ご銆

戣壊浜哄 戣壊浜哄 椤挎椂纰庤锛屽寲鎴愪 椤挎椂纰庤锛屽寲鎴愪 鐏 鐏 纰庣墖銆 纰庣墖銆 纰庣墖銆 纰庣墖銆


Of€阆撶鐗 惤鍦ㄤ 惤鍦ㄤ Sea of Consciousness 涔嬩腑锛孡ing Han 闾f帴杩戝 Total 娑 殑鐏 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 儚琚 儚琚 姹椿姘 姹椿姘 姹椿姘 姹椿姘绔嫔埢澶Hydrogen

浠栬椽濠棤姣旓纴娑埚寲镌 杩欎簺纰庣墖锛岀伒 杩欎簺纰庣墖锛岀伒 杩欎簺纰庣墖锛岀伒 湪杩呴 湪杩呴 熷 熷 熷. 澶с€

寰埚揩锛屾墍 夌伒 夌伒 夌伒 傜鐗 兘琚粬钖 兘琚粬钖 屼粬镄勭伒 屼粬镄勭伒 屼粬镄勭伒 屼粬镄勭伒 屼粬镄勭伒 篃鎭 篃鎭 篃鎭 most most most most most most most most

铏 劧杩樻槸涓嶅鍏ㄧ洓镄勬椂 劧杩樻槸涓嶅鍏ㄧ洓镄勬椂 欙纴浣嗘瘮璧 欙纴浣嗘瘮璧 箣鍓嶅 箣鍓嶅 镣 镣 鎺夌殑妯 鎺夌殑妯 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

Ling Han 镄勯琼浣挞湶鍑浣挞湶鍑浣挞湶鍑竴鎶瑧瀹癸纴缁堜簬鎴愬姛浜嗐


涓嶈 Han 镄勭瑧瀹 镄勭瑧瀹 镄勭瑧瀹 镄勭瑧瀹 纴浠栫殑 纴浠栫殑 纴浠栫殑 mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mort mortャ€


鍡★纴鍞竴浠欓紟 婃斁鍑 婃斁鍑 竴 竴 ′ 澶 澶 澶 澶 殑鐢熸満锛屾 L L L Ling Han 浣揿唴锛岃浠栧揩阃熸仮澶岖潃浼ゅ娍銆

涓 涓湀钖庯纴 涓湀钖庯纴 涓湀钖庯纴 涓湀钖庯纴 Han Han Han Han 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 惌濂 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇 嶅彇锛屽啀涓€涓湀钖庯纴琛€夐夐夐鐢熴

镊 锛屼粬缁堟槸鎭 一 (1) 浜嗗ぇ鍗娿€

Ling Han 鐩 潗璧 潗璧 潵锛岃 潵锛岃 潵锛岃 潵锛岃 潵锛岃 Щ锷ㄨ嚜宸 Щ锷ㄨ嚜宸 Щ锷ㄨ嚜宸 Щ锷ㄨ嚜宸 Щ锷ㄨ嚜宸 Щ锷ㄨ嚜宸 Щ锷ㄨ嚜宸 Щ锷ㄨ嚜宸

Seto 缁枟浼わ纴 缁枟浼わ纴 屽埌浜呜 屽埌浜呜 镞讹纴浠栨墠 夋椂闂 夋椂闂 夋椂闂 幓璁ょ湡 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效

杩椤彛浠欓紟镄勬潗璐ㄨ缮鏄杩滃彝immortal sect 涓 鑸纴浣嗘槸锛岄紟韬笂鍗 鑸纴浣嗘槸锛岄紟韬笂鍗 槸澶 槸澶 槸澶 槸澶 佸嚖銆丵 佸嚖銆丵 佸嚖銆丵 佸嚖銆丵 佸嚖銆丵 佸嚖銆丵 佸嚖銆丵 佸嚖銆丵 佸嚖銆丵Od Beast 镄勫浘妗堬纴濂 儚姣忎竴澶撮兘鑳 儚姣忎竴澶撮兘鑳 儚姣忎竴澶撮兘鑳 鑻忚 鑻忚 鏉ヤ竴鑸

杩欑湡鏄粰榧庯纴Key rudder

Ling Han 镐 鐤 鐤 鐤 鐤 浠栨劅 浠栨劅 浠栨劅 夌湡鍙 夌湡鍙 灏嗕粰榧庢墦鍑哄幓锛岀 灏嗕粰榧庢墦鍑哄幓锛岀 灏嗕粰榧庢墦鍑哄幓锛岀 灏嗕粰榧庢墦鍑哄幓锛岀 灏嗕粰榧庢墦鍑哄幓锛岀 灏嗕粰榧庢墦鍑哄幓锛岀 灏嗕粰榧庢墦鍑哄幓锛岀

杩椤彲鏄崄榧庡悎涓 锛屽潥锲 锛屽潥锲 搴 搴 搴 笉鐢ㄨ锛岀粷瀵 笉鐢ㄨ锛岀粷瀵 笉鐢ㄨ锛岀粷瀵 X X X 2 Star Immortal Metal 锛岀敋镊砐 NUMX Star Immortal Metal 銆

Key 屽湪浠欓紟涔嬩腑锛屾湁涓Dao Light 姝e湪鐩樻棆銆

Death divine aura 闅忕潃鍗侀紟镄勫悎涓 岃嚜锷ㄨ瀺钖堬纴涔濋 岃嚜锷ㄨ瀺钖堬纴涔濋 岃嚜锷ㄨ瀺钖堬纴涔濋 岃嚜锷ㄨ瀺钖堬纴涔濋 岃嚜锷ㄨ瀺钖堬纴涔濋 岃嚜锷ㄨ瀺钖堬纴涔濋 岃嚜锷ㄨ瀺钖堬纴涔濋 烽浑涓纴浠ユ 烽浑涓纴浠ユ 蜂 蜂 蜂 蜂 蜂 蜂 蜂 蜂 蜂烽浑閮 烽浑閮 div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div Aura 鎷ユ湁浜嗕袱绉岖壒镐с€

浼ゅ鍜屽 enough澧冦€

鐜 湪镄勮 湪镄勮 i ivine aura 濞佸姏 chain 夊澶э纻

Ling Han 鍗佸垎濂 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 鍗佽姃钖堜竴锛屽簲璇ヤ 鍗佽姃钖堜竴锛屽簲璇ヤ 鍗佽姃钖堜竴锛屽簲璇ヤ 鍗佽姃钖堜竴锛屽簲璇ヤ 夎 夎 夎 夎


Ling Han key performance 鍏讳 锛屽 鏄竴涓湀涔嫔悗锛屼粬缁堟槸绔欎 鏄竴涓湀涔嫔悗锛屼粬缁堟槸绔欎 鏄竴涓湀涔嫔悗锛屼粬缁堟槸绔欎 鏄竴涓湀涔嫔悗锛屼粬缁堟槸绔欎 鏄竴涓湀涔嫔悗锛屼粬缁堟槸绔欎 鏄竴涓湀涔嫔悗锛屼粬缁堟槸绔欎

锲涗 澶氭湀鍟婏纴浠栦竴鐩撮兘鍦ㄥ吇浼わ纴浣嗙幇鍦纴浠栦 澶氭湀鍟婏纴浠栦竴鐩撮兘鍦ㄥ吇浼わ纴浣嗙幇鍦纴浠栦 澶氭湀鍟婏纴浠栦竴鐩撮兘鍦ㄥ吇浼わ纴浣嗙幇鍦纴浠栦 濂 濂 濂 锛屽綋鐒 锛屽綋鐒

鍗侀紟钖堜竴钖庯纴鏂 殑浠欓紟杩樻 殑浠欓紟杩樻 変 変 変 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 纴浠栨殏镞 缮镞犳硶 缮镞犳硶 缮镞犳硶°C湁鍐嶅湪杩欓噷寰呬笅铡荤殑蹇呰銆

Key 屼笖锛屼粬镒熷埌 ttle 屼笖锛屼粬镒熷埌 锛屾鎯 锛屾鎯 锛屾鎯 锛屾鎯 锛屾鎯 锛屾鎯 钁 暩浠栦 暩浠栦 暩浠栦 暩浠栦 暩浠栦 暩浠栦


鏄疐eng Family late belly late stage 銆

Ling Han 鎻帀铏氱┖鍏界毊锛屽 ammonia闾d箞澶ф钖戠潃鍐槅璧板幓銆

鍐槅绗竴镞堕棿镆ヨ锛屼粬镌佸紑鐪硷纴鐪嫔悜Ling Han 锛岃劯涓婂甫镌€鏄庢樉镄勮鐒鏄庢樉镄勮鐒€

杩檅rat 灞呯劧镊 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧

镐庝箞锛岀煡阆撴 庝箞韬 庝箞韬 庝箞韬 庝箞韬 兘鏄 兘鏄 鐢ㄧ殑锛屾斁寮冧 鐢ㄧ殑锛屾斁寮冧 阃冭窇涔嫔 阃冭窇涔嫔 阃冭窇涔嫔 鎴樻眰姝 鎴樻眰姝 鎴樻眰姝 鎴樻眰姝


鈥 粓浜庝笉韬蹭 粓浜庝笉韬蹭 濅粬娣 濅粬娣 濅粬娣 贰璇撮 贰璇撮 贰璇撮 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 敓涓筶 敓涓筶 stage 锛屼粬鎺屾 镌 缁濆镄勪 缁濆镄勪 缁濆镄勪 锷ㄦ潈銆

Ling Han 涓 绗 绗 鈥滃嚑鏉 鈥滃嚑鏉 柉镫楋纴浠ュ墠 柉镫楋纴浠ュ墠 self self self self self self self self self self self oneself to somebody 鈥檚 level 锛屾棦鐒跺缁埚挰镌 鎴戜笉鏀撅纴浠婂ぉ灏卞叏閮ㄨ 鍐 鍐 锛岀渷寰楀惖鎴 锛岀渷寰楀惖鎴 锛岀渷寰楀惖鎴 锛岀渷寰楀惖鎴 锛岀渷寰楀惖鎴

鈥滃皬杈堬纴浣犺伞鏄摢鏉ョ殑鍕嘠i 锛熲€濆啹鏄嗗喎绗戏纴澶ф钖戠潃Ling Han 璧板幓銆