Chapter 3961
This fourth enrollment can be so sensational, attracting a lot of fierce people, Ling Han’s credit is indispensable.
The Jiuyang Holy Land is very powerful, but it is only one of the many holy places in the universe.
How many holy places are there in the universe after hundreds of millions of years?
It is no exaggeration to say that tens of thousands of seats are definitely there. Therefore, the status of the Jiuyang Holy Land is very high, but it is not so attractive.
The inheritance of Jiuyang sage?
Hehe, I haven’t found it for hundreds of millions of years. Does that really exist? Really find it?
Therefore, this time a lot of fierce people came, actually in the direction of Ling Han.
–Ling Han The news of the defeated genius of Tianxi has been spread, shaking the universe. Therefore, all the genius of the northern celestial domain want to come and see what Ling Han is like, witnessing it, he is strong. What is the point.
Some of these people just want to see Ling Han, others want to recruit Ling Han into their own power, while others come with ambition. If they can defeat Ling Han, then It is possible to take his position and replace it with the most powerful one.
In this regard, Ling Han is completely careless.
The steady stream of resources from the Holy Land is sent, and his cultivation base is also being upgraded, but the only Xian Ding seems to be a bottomless pit, and the cultivation base progress is extremely slow.
Ling Han didn’t feel troubled, but was happy.
Because the speed of his refining Heaven and Earth has not changed, the cultivation base is slower, indicating that his power will be stronger under the same realm.
According to his estimation, even if there is a large supply of cultivation resources, it will take a year to achieve the perfection.
Very long.
Fortunately, this is not Bailian secret realm, where people only have lifespan for about a hundred years, and the time of year is really nothing.
Ling Han sat alone, he took out a bottle.
This is the extreme frost Venerable lost to him, which contains the source of the god liquid.
He asked Nine Mountain Venerable about the use of this gadget and how it should be used.
In fact, the usage can be found on the star network, but it is naturally more convenient and accurate to ask a Venerable. Again, this is also a way to draw closer to the Venerable relationship.
Source Shenshen is really out of the ordinary. If it is used to wash the body, it can wash away the dark wounds in the body and strengthen the foundation. If it is used during the breakthrough, it can strengthen Xianji, Xianding, Xiandan and so on.
Base 洿鎺ユ彁鍗啴 洿鎺ユ彁鍗啴 洿鎺ユ彁鍗啴 洿鎺ユ彁鍗啴 洿鎺ユ彁鍗啴 锛屼絾杩沧瘮鎻愬崌 锛屼絾杩沧瘮鎻愬崌 锛屼絾杩沧瘮鎻愬崌 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per
涔熷 鏋侀湝 ener ener ener ener ener ener per per per per per 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕 镣笕屽师 chain 偗瀹氭槸鐢ㄥ湪镊 镄刣 镄刣 isicle 韬笂锛屾 鎯 鎯 埌浼 埌浼 埌浼 埌浼 L L Ling Han 銆
鈥曗 曡皝鑳 曡皝鑳 曡皝鑳 曡皝鑳 兂鍒 兂鍒 涓︻寷浜 涓︻寷浜 涓︻寷浜 涓︻寷浜 涓︻寷浜 涓︻寷浜 涓︻寷浜
Ling Han 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 纴灏嗘簮绁炴簮鏀 璧 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾 畾
浠栨鍦ㄥ浑娑〉湪锏借幉secret realm 涓埌镄勫悇绉崭粰chain纴杩栾兘鐢ㄦ槸涓€锲炰簨锛屼絾鑳借鍙戞尌鍑哄嚑鍒嗗▉锷涘张鏄彟涓€锲炰簨銆
Ling Han 灏呜嚜宸辩殑鎶€娉曟寜濞佸姏鎺掑垪浜嗕竴涓嬨€
Chain 鐗涢€Shoulder 殑 畾鏄 畾鏄 畾鏄 纴镊甫骞诲鏁堟灉锛屼竴鍑 纴镊甫骞诲鏁堟灉锛屼竴鍑 纴镊甫骞诲鏁堟灉锛屼竴鍑 纴镊甫骞诲鏁堟灉锛屼竴鍑 纴镊甫骞诲鏁堟灉锛屼竴鍑 纴镊甫骞诲鏁堟灉锛屼竴鍑 纴镊甫骞诲鏁堟灉锛屼竴鍑 纴镊甫骞诲鏁堟灉锛屼竴鍑Read attle strength 锛宼errifying 镞犳瘮銆
绗簩鍒欐槸濡栫尨鎷 纴杩椤彲鏄笣 纴杩椤彲鏄笣 纴鍙 纴鍙 澶╃殑 澶╃殑 澶╃殑 澶╃殑 澶╃殑 澶╃殑 澶╃殑 澶╃殑 澶╃殑 澶╃殑 澶╃殑 澶╃殑璇濓纴绗簩寮忕殑濞佸姏旋村锛屼絾杩樿 锛屼絾杩樿 杩滆揪涓嶅埌鎻愬崌锲涢 澶 ttleattle strength 镄勭搴]€
Ning Qiang Qiang Feng Wei is a net
绗竴锛屼粬杩桦彧鏄帉鎻’袱寮忓鐚袱寮忓鐚妩锛屽苟娌°C湁灏借缑绮鹃珦锛岀浜岋纴宁濇湳搴旇涔熷彧链夊綋鍒濈殑绁栫帇 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 嶈兘鍙戞尌鍑篨 鍗佺殑濞佽兘锛屽悗浜 鍗佺殑濞佽兘锛屽悗浜 豢锛屽 豢锛屽 豢锛屽 豢锛屽锛
Ling Han 鏆楁殚镣 ご锛屽叾瀹炴 ご锛屽叾瀹炴 ご锛屽叾瀹炴 殑寮哄ぇ骞 殑寮哄ぇ骞 笉鍦ㄤ簬浠栵纴 笉鍦ㄤ簬浠栵纴 笉鍦ㄤ簬浠栵纴 笉鍦ㄤ簬浠栵纴 笉鍦ㄤ簬浠栵纴 笉鍦ㄤ簬浠栵纴 笉鍦ㄤ簬浠栵纴 笉鍦ㄤ簬浠栵纴 笉鍦ㄤ簬浠栵纴 Ling鍙楅檺浜庝粬镄刢ultivation base
镓 浠ワ纴鎯 浠ワ纴鎯 浠ワ纴鎯 浠ワ纴鎯 鎴愪 涓 钖岖湡姝 钖岖湡姝 钖岖湡姝 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 锛屽 锛屽
鍡纴浠栫幇鍦ㄧ殑浠欓紟镞犳瘮鐗涘弶锛屽彲浠ュ惛鏀跺叚 嶅ぉ浠ュ唴镄勬墍 夋墦鍑 夋墦鍑 夋墦鍑 纴鑳 纴鑳 笉鑳 笉鑳 笉鑳Umbrella 鍒涢€犲嚭涓€闂ㄤ粰闂ㄤ粰潵
濡栫尨鎷 箣涓嬶纴灏 箣涓嬶纴灏 箣涓嬶纴灏 箣涓嬶纴灏 箣涓嬶纴灏
Vine chain 纴鍙笉鏄垬绁炰笁寮忚 绉嶅 鍖栫増镄勶纴涔熶笉鏄疍 ivine Wind Kick 杩欑娈嬬 鐗堛 鐗堛
鈥沧垜鏄笉鏄铡诲纰涓 镙 镙 瀛愶纻鈥 ing ing Han 锽冨杻銆
妫嶆硶锛屽綋鐒 槸 槸 槸 瑕佹瀛愭墠鑳 瑕佹瀛愭墠鑳 瑕佹瀛愭墠鑳 敖灞曞▉锷 敖灞曞▉锷 敖灞曞▉锷 敖灞曞▉锷
鍦ㄨ umbrella board 湪鍙︼兘鍙戞尌鍑篨NUMX% 濞佸姏锛岄ザ鏄姝わ纴鍦f湳鍙堟槸浣旷瓑濞佽兘锛孹NUMX% 濞佸姏宸茬粡闱炲父terrifying 浜嗐€
鍦ㄧ槠銮瞫ecret realm 涓纴浠栨墦锷 涓嶅皯浜 涓嶅皯浜 纴褰撶劧涔熸 纴褰撶劧涔熸 Immortal Artifact 锛屽叾涓缮鐪熸湁妫嶅瓙銆
浠栨 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴鐒跺悗寮 濮嬭繍杞儓阒 濮嬭繍杞儓阒 濮嬭繍杞儓阒 檷 檷 檷
浠栦竴妫嶆尌鍑 纴鑴戝悗绔熸槸缁揿嚭浜嗕竴涓﹄ 纴鑴戝悗绔熸槸缁揿嚭浜嗕竴涓﹄ 鍦堬纴浠 鍦堬纴浠 鍦堬纴浠 鍦堬纴浠 楂 楂 楂 楂 楂 楂 楂 楂
Ling Han 涓岖敱閮侀椃锛屼 涔堜 涔堜 涔堜 涔堜 箞 箞 箞 箞 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ敤镄勬槸浣涙棌绉樻硶銆
鈥滀笉杩囷纴锏 幉 secret realm 涔嬩簨涔熶笉鏄粈涔堢瀵嗭纴鎴戝 ammonia镊 簬 簬 埌鎴戠殑澶 埌鎴戠殑澶 埌鎴戠殑澶 埌鎴戠殑澶 埌鎴戠殑澶 埌鎴戠殑澶 傗 傗 傗
Ling Han 镊︼锛屽彲灏卞湪杩欐椂锛屼粬寰楀埌阆撶 绂 绂 鎶ワ纴 鎶ワ纴 鎶ワ纴 変 変 変
鈥滈偅浜鸿鏄痀oung Master Han 镄勬晠鍙嬶纴鍙悏绁ュぉ銆傗€濇槑chain堣阆撱€
鍒氲浣涙棌涓崭 镓 镓 埌镊 埌镊 埌镊 埌镊 埌镊 镄勫ご涓婃潵锛岃 镄勫ご涓婃潵锛岃 镄勫ご涓婃潵锛岃 镄勫ご涓婃潵锛岃 镄勫ご涓婃潵锛岃 镄勫ご涓婃潵锛岃
鈥滆銆傗€rolling Han 璇撮 锛岃 锛岃 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 镞忓湥濂 镞忓湥濂 镞忓湥濂 镞忓湥濂 庝箞浼氲窇鏉ヤ 庝箞浼氲窇鏉ヤ 湥鍦 湥鍦 湥鍦 湥鍦 湥鍦
浠栧墠铡诲ぇ铡咃纴 屽綋浠栬 屽綋浠栬 鍒 鍒 鍒 欙纴鏄庢湀涔熷甫镌 欙纴鏄庢湀涔熷甫镌 欙纴鏄庢湀涔熷甫镌 欙纴鏄庢湀涔熷甫镌 欙纴鏄庢湀涔熷甫镌 钖夌ゥ澶╁埌浜嗭纴杩欎 钖夌ゥ澶╁埌浜嗭纴杩欎 钖夌ゥ澶╁埌浜嗭纴杩欎 钖夌ゥ澶╁埌浜嗭纴杩欎 钖夌ゥ澶╁埌浜嗭纴杩欎ㄥ凡缁忔槸鍗佸叓宀佺殑闱掑缁忔槸鍗佸叓宀佺殑闱掑Qi 鏂鏂垰锛屼笉垰锛屼笉滃湴鐢ㄤ bundle 鍏夋壂镌€钖夌ゥ澶╋纴涓€鑴哥埍鎱曚箣鑹 layer
杩椤彲鏄粷鑹 绗崄镄勫挨鐗╋纴 绗崄镄勫挨鐗╋纴 beautiful 寰楁侪蹇冨姩 勶纴浠栭偅镣 勶纴浠栭偅镣 勶纴浠栭偅镣 勶纴浠栭偅镣 勶纴浠栭偅镣
鈥淏rother Ling 锛屼竴鍒暟 堬纴涔呰缭浜嗐 傗 傗 濆悏绁ュぉ 濆悏绁ュぉ 濆悏绁ュぉ 濆悏绁ュぉ 濆悏绁ュぉ 濆悏绁ュぉ 濆悏绁ュぉ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 椋桡纴涓 椋桡纴涓 椋桡纴涓 椋桡纴涓 椋桡纴涓 椋桡纴涓嶆煋灏桦焹锛屼笉娌句笘淇椼
Ling Han hehe 涓 绗 绗 绗 鈥沧 庝箞锛屼綘 庝箞锛屼綘 庝箞锛屼綘 庝箞锛屼綘 庝箞锛屼綘 庝箞锛屼綘 庝箞锛屼綘 撶畻璺戣 撶畻璺戣 庝箞锛屼綘 庝箞锛屼綘 庝箞锛屼綘 庝箞锛屼綘 庝箞锛屼綘
Ling Han 椤 涓 涓 涓嬶纴鎸囩潃镊 涓嬶纴鎸囩潃镊 涓嬶纴鎸囩潃镊 涓嬶纴鎸囩潃镊 涓嬶纴鎸囩潃镊 涓嬶纴鎸囩潃镊 涓嬶纴鎸囩潃镊 涓嬶纴鎸囩潃镊
鈥淏rother Ling 鐪熸槸镵槑锛佲€濆悏绁ュぉ姣笉钖濆暚鍦dressing ing Han 涓€涓︻瑧瀹广€
Ling Han laughed heartily 锛气滀綘涔熺湡鏄滀綘涔熺湡鏄滀綘涔熺湡鏄寮鐜╃瑧锛屾垜濞囧鎴愮兢銆佸鐜╃瑧锛屾垜濞囧鎴愮兢銆佸鐜╃瑧锛屾垜濞囧鎴愮兢銆佸濂濂竴绠╃瓙锛屾诲綋鍜屽皻銆傗€
钖夌ゥ澶╀篃鏄鐒 竴绗 竴绗 鈥淏 鈥淏 鈥淏 鈥淏 鈥淏 鈥淏 鈥淏 鈥淏 鈥淏 鈥淏 鈥淏 d d d d d d d d 殑鑻 殑鑻 殑鑻 殑鑻 殑鑻 殑鑻戒经镞所isciple 镄嗘槸涓岖濠 ǘ镄勩 ǘ镄勩€傗€
鈥滃摝锛屼篃灏 槸璇 槸璇 槸璇 纴浣犱篃鍙 纴浣犱篃鍙 纴浣犱篃鍙 纴浣犱篃鍙 ing ing ing ing
鍒湅杩椤コ浜 竻涓 竻涓 劚 劚 楋纴浠 楋纴浠 楋纴浠 楋纴浠 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸 焹锛屼簨瀹炰笂鍙槸杩涘ス镄勯櫡阒 噷锛岀涓 镞堕棿杩涜鍙嶅 镞堕棿杩涜鍙嶅 镞堕棿杩涜鍙嶅