Chapter 4175
姣旷珶锛屽彲浠ユ墦璐ュ笣瀛愮殑涔熷 闾 箞鍑犱 箞鍑犱 箞鍑犱 浜 浜 濇棌渚濈劧 濇棌渚濈劧 濇棌渚濈劧 濇棌渚濈劧 濇棌渚濈劧 濇棌渚濈劧 濇棌渚濈劧 aloof and remote 锛屼笉浼 洜涓 洜涓 remote嗗 杞 杞 杞 屼笖浜嗭纴杩熸 屼笖浜嗭纴杩熸 屼笖浜嗭纴杩熸 屼笖浜嗭纴杩熸 鏅楄缮鏄竴涓狰 鏅楄缮鏄竴涓狰 鏅楄缮鏄竴涓狰 鏅楄缮鏄竴涓狰 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪 纴缁濊壊灏ょ墿锛屽湪涓夌殑銆
闱(一)杩欐牱镄刡eautiful 濂 纴璋侀兘瑕佺粰涓︷ 纴璋侀兘瑕佺粰涓︷ 纴璋侀兘瑕佺粰涓︷
锲犳锛屼紬鍦熻宪閮芥槸鍧愪 涓嫔幓锛屼絾镄嗘槸钖慙 妯︻湁浠ュ锛岀幇鍦ㄥ Han 妯︻湁浠ュ锛岀幇鍦ㄥ 鍏埚帇涓 涓嬶纴绛変 涓嬶纴绛変鈥滆阆撯 鈥滆阆撯 濈殑镞跺 欙纴瀹氲璁╄ 欙纴瀹氲璁╄ 欙纴瀹氲璁╄ 欙纴瀹氲璁╄ 欙纴瀹氲璁╄ 涓浼欑煡阆揿帀瀹
Ling Han 镞犳墍璋掳纴缁х画锽濈潃锣躲锽濈潃锣
鈥滈潬锛岄 牸鍙堟 牸鍙堟 牸鍙堟 牸鍙堟 浜嗭紒鈥濆ぇ榛戠嫍鏁呮剰澶 浜嗭紒鈥濆ぇ榛戠嫍鏁呮剰澶 浜嗭紒鈥濆ぇ榛戠嫍鏁呮剰澶 紶鍦 紶鍦 銆
鈥渁cting cool 灞呯劧娌°C尐鎻嶏纴娌” ぉ鐞嗗晩锛佲€滚ittle Azure 榫欎篃鍧愪笂浜嗘锛岀粰镊繁掍掍 镐€锣讹纴寮€濮嫔枬浜呜捣鏉ャ€
滚€rolling Han 鍐风瑧銆
杩椤浼欐牴 chain ammonia 娌 ° C 湁锽濊 stretch plate jade 竴鍓緢 nickel 傜殑妯 ° C 牱銆
Little Azure 榫栾鎴崇榫栾鎴 伡缇炴垚镐掞纴瑕佷笉鏄墦涓嶈 L Ling Han 锛屼粬 畾瑕佺棝鎻嶈 畾瑕佺棝鎻嶈 畾瑕佺棝鎻嶈 涓浼欙纴 key佹槸褰卞搷浠朼cting cool 銆
鍙 竴杈癸纴杩熸 竴杈癸纴杩熸 鏅椾綔涓 鏅椾綔涓 鏅椾綔涓 笢阆 笢阆 笢阆 锛屼篃寮 锛屼篃寮 濮嬩 濮嬩 濮嬩 濮嬩 濮嬩
濂 瓍锷涘崄瓒 瓍锷涘崄瓒 瓍锷涘崄瓒 ari ari ari ari ari (arious people 閮 槸棰戦镣 槸棰戦镣 槸棰戦镣 ご锛屼竴镣 ご锛屼竴镣 ご锛屼竴镣娿€
涓嶈 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 娆 浼氱殑 浼氱殑 浼氱殑 浼氱殑 滆阆撯 滆阆撯 滆阆撯 滆阆撯 滆阆撯 櫁涔熸 櫁涔熸 櫁涔熸 櫁涔熸 櫁涔熸 櫁涔熸埚揩灏卞洖鍒Simplified marriage
鈥渉aha 锛屾垜涔冭儭缁纴鍝﹄竴浣崭笌鎴戝垏纾嬩竴涓嬶纻鈥濅竴钖嶅ぇ鑳” 瓙璺冭 屽嚭锛屾潵鍒 屽嚭锛屾潵鍒 屽嚭锛屾潵鍒 屽嚭锛屾潵鍒 屽嚭锛屾潵鍒 屽嚭锛屾潵鍒镄勭┖鍦 镄勭┖鍦 镄勭┖鍦 笂锛岃 澶熷紑阒旓纴鏀拺寰楄捣 澶熷紑阒旓纴鏀拺寰楄捣 Core Life Core Realm 镄勬垬鏂椼€
Core北娴峰ぉ锛屽ぇ鍦板潥锲烘棤姣旓纴Life Core Realm 鍙互鍙阃犳垚镄勭牬鍧忔湁闄愶纴岄 锷泃errifying 锛屽张鏋佸ぇ鍦板奖鍝崭 Jane Martial Artist 镄勯 熷 熷 Core Core Core Realm 鍒囩镄勫湴鏂 篃涓岖敤澶 €
杩椤ぇ鑳”瓙鏄釜鍦熻宪锛屽苟娌°C湁鎾戣捣绉桦姏鎶ょ浘锛屾樉寰楀緢鏄涅Qi 銆
鈥沧垜鏉ヤ 浼 浼 浼 浼 濅竴钖嶅鏉ヨ 濅竴钖嶅鏉ヨ 呰穬浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴浜岃瘽涓嶈锛屼袱浜哄 呰穬浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴浜岃瘽涓嶈锛屼袱浜哄 呰穬浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴浜岃瘽涓嶈锛屼袱浜哄 呰穬浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴浜岃瘽涓嶈锛屼袱浜哄 呰穬浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴浜岃瘽涓嶈锛屼袱浜哄 呰穬浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴浜岃瘽涓嶈锛屼袱浜哄 呰穬浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴浜岃瘽涓嶈锛屼袱浜哄 呰穬浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴浜岃瘽涓嶈锛屼袱浜哄
鍙 鍙 鏉ヨ 鏉ヨ 鏉ヨ 呰缮鏄湡钁楋纴缁濆鏄ぉ 呰缮鏄湡钁楋纴缁濆鏄ぉ 呰缮鏄湡钁楋纴缁濆鏄ぉ 呰缮鏄湡钁楋纴缁濆鏄ぉ 呰缮鏄湡钁楋纴缁濆鏄ぉ 呰缮鏄湡钁楋纴缁濆鏄ぉ 呰缮鏄湡钁楋纴缁濆鏄ぉ 呰缮鏄湡钁楋纴缁濆鏄ぉ阒 嫍 嫍 畾娌°C湁璧勬牸銆
杩欐湰鏉ュ 鏄涓よ 鏄涓よ 鏄涓よ 鏄涓よ 鏄涓よ 澶╂墠姣旇瘯镄勪竴涓︼垶鍙 澶╂墠姣旇瘯镄勪竴涓︼垶鍙 澶╂墠姣旇瘯镄勪竴涓︼垶鍙 纴璁╁ 纴璁╁ 纴璁╁ 纴璁╁ 纴璁╁ 纴璁╁ 纴璁╁
鎴樻枟瓒婂彂鍦版縺鐑堬纴浣嗘椂闂翠竴涔咃纴鍦熻竴涔咃纴鍦熻竴涔咃纴鍦熻镄勪紭锷垮 ammonia浣撶幇浜嗗嚭鏉ャ€
浠栦 涓 鐩 鐩 鐩 敓娲诲湪杩欓噷锛屾棭宸茬粡阃 簲浜唗 簲浜唗 errifying 镄勯 锷涳纴 锷涳纴 屼笖 屼笖 physique 寮 锛岄槻寰 锛岄槻寰 姏濡 姏濡 姏濡 姏濡 姏濡 姏濡敓涓€鑸瓨鍦ㄣ€
镓€浠ワ纴涓嶈兘crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood 鑸皢浠栦 鍑 鍑 鍑 镄勮瘽锛屾寔涔呮垬涔嬩笅锛宲 hysique 寮 镄勪紭锷 镄勪紭锷 镄勪紭锷 镄勪紭锷 鍙 鍙 鍙缑瓒婃潵瓒婂ぇ锛屾渶缁埚 鎴愯儨锷 € €
鏋 劧锛屽彧鏄墦浜嗗崄鍑犲垎阍燂纴澶 儭瀛愮殑浼 儭瀛愮殑浼 儭瀛愮殑浼 儭瀛愮殑浼 儭瀛愮殑浼 娍灏卞敖鏄撅纴灏嗗 娍灏卞敖鏄撅纴灏嗗 娍灏卞敖鏄撅纴灏嗗 娍灏卞敖鏄撅纴灏嗗 娍灏卞敖鏄撅纴灏嗗讳竴鑳溿€
杩栾澶栨潵Key 呬 閮 閮 閮 槸鑴 槸鑴 壊闅 壊闅
铏 劧澶 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦灏 瓑浜庢尐浜嗕竴宸 瓑浜庢尐浜嗕竴宸
“Liu Ming is the top ten strength of the Star Network, and it is so fast that it is defeated!”
“You can’t go to the top ten of the Star Network anymore.
“It’s better.”
Star Network does not include all the young geniuses. Not only are the Teijins not connected to the Star Network, so many holy places are also true. Therefore, there are naturally “fish that slip through the net”. Even if it is not a Tetri, it can exceed the top ten of the Star Network.
A holy road shot, quickly defeated the beard and pulled back a game for the outsiders.
However, the indigenous one immediately came out with a master, defeated the Tao.
“Lv Feng, Shan Haitian ranked tenth!”
This is a fierce person. Although it is better to defeat the Emperor’s An Siyuan, the “Top Ten” has already been shot, indicating that the indigenous people are not interested in slowly upgrading the level of combat and directly entering this stage of white-hot.
The outsiders are all face to face, the other side has dispatched the top ten masters, and they seem to have moved to the emperor.
“I am coming.” A young man said faintly, and took it out.
“Shi Yuanzhang!” Everyone is exclaimed, this is a real emperor.
Ling Han took a look, but his heart was shaking his head. The strength of Shi Yuanzhang and Xu Jie was only between the two. He might win one or two games, but he could never beat An Siyuan.
Sure enough, the Emperor shot, the battle strength terrifying, and soon won a victory, and then, he won three battles, so that the indigenous people are dazzling.
The emperor is really powerful, no wonder there will be the same name invincible.
However, the indigenous people are still full of confidence, because their top three masters are completely different, one is stronger than one, and the strong one is not 1 Star.
Hey, one person jumps out, his body is slender, his face is also strange, indifferent.
“An Siyuan!”
“An Your Excellency!”
Suddenly, the indigenous people screamed and went crazy.
The outsiders have a golden generation, and Shanhaitian has similarities. This Anyuan source, Yiqianhong, and flowers are often their golden generation, but the number is relatively small, only three.
The soldiers are not expensive, and the three are enough.
Shi Yuanzhang immediately showed a sense of awe, this is a strong enemy, he did not have the slightest chance of winning.
On the contrary, An Siyuan is a relaxed expression. He has defeated three emperors and his natural confidence is full.
“Please!” Shi Yuanzhang said, holding a fist, he also has a respect for the enemy.
Although An Siyuan is cold and proud, but in the face of the emperor, he dare not take too much, but he also holds a fist: “Please!”
When the voice fell, the two geniuses began a fierce confrontation.
boom! boom! boom!
They fought and the advantage was quickly divided.
An Siyuan has the upper hand.
His strength is stronger and his physique is more horizontal. If there is any inadequacy, it is the fairy technique. After all, there is no inheritance of the Great Emperor and the Emperor’s Law. In this respect, it is not as good as the Emperor, but the Emperor is less than True Self. Realm does not have much advantage over the sage cultivation technique.
Therefore, An Siyuan completely suppressed Shi Yuanzhang, and the advantage was not a big 1 Star.
However, after several hundred strokes, Shi Yuanzhang took the initiative to admit defeat. Otherwise, he will suffer a lot.
Also lost a emperor.
Counting the previous three Xu Jie, there have been four emperors defeated, so that all outsiders are ugly.
This is too shocking Qi.
In contrast, the indigenous people are all proud of their eyes.
“Which one will come to teach again?” An Siyuan swept the circle around the crowd. This time, it is a tea ceremony. Of course, it is impossible to have only one emperor.
Is there still stronger?
“I will teach you.” I saw a youngster coming out.
Gold silk emperor, Zhang Fang.
Ling Han nodded and said, “This guy has seven points to win.”
“Is there a seven-point?” The Little Azure dragon was a little surprised. He and the big black dog have all seen the strength of Zhang Fang. Is there such a high chance of winning? Nt
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