Chapter 056
(Thank you very much for ‘吢魂落魄’, ‘冰·月Shadow’, ‘亓官轩琦’, ‘银龙の黎明’, ‘夜月辰羽’, ‘蒂Shadow’, ‘云云青谷’, ‘mikulove’ Reward!)
The wind, blowing from the far side of the horizon, let the air have a little cool mood.
Magnolia is still standing in the center of the surrounding forests with many forests and hills. From time to time, the shouting sound of the townspeople at the time of the sale is loud and noisy and laughter with everyone. Everything has not changed. It’s so noisy.
It is already autumn, and the temperature of Magnolia has begun to drop a lot, so that there is a coolness in the town.
Of course, if there is no trace of wind, even in the fall, the hot and humid climate will make people feel flustered.
In one of the more sullen mountains outside Magnolia, in a corner, the sound of the faint leaves dancing suddenly sounded louder and louder, as if something was close.
“hu ———— !”
In the next second, a shadow suddenly appeared in the distance of the forest, with a very high speed, mixed with a subtle sound of breaking, coming from afar.
It was a Youth who was only wearing shorts, bare feet, and bare upper body, about seventeen years old.
At this time, Youth is holding his hands up and holding a boulder that is a few times bigger than his whole person. Speed is trampled on the ground of the forest more quickly than the cheetah. While causing the earth tremor, he rushes between the mountains and forests. Flexible avoidance of oncoming trees and obstacles, constantly flying.
“hu …”
It wasn’t until a long time later that Youth finally stopped her own pace and threw away the boulder that was over the head.
The boulder fell to the side, and the branches and grasses of the surroundings were pressed underneath, and a hole was thrown in the ground, which stirred up a little bit of smoke.
After doing this, Youth raised her head, looked to the sky, and put a face that was not so much tender and tender, and began to become a mature and mature face, as if she could suck people into the inside. The pupil is exposed to the sun.
This is a face that has grown up after a full four years.
time flies.
But it is just a blink of an eye, four years have passed.
Noah, who is seventeen years old, has grown up not only in height and appearance, but also in growth, and no one except him knows where the bottom line is.
Since getting the qualifier of Laxus as S-Class Mage Promotion Trial and advancing to S-Class Mage, Noah not only hasn’t returned to Fairy Tail for four years, and has challenged his limits almost every day.
For four years, Noah wasn’t just training his own Magic.
Physical Ability !
Swordmanship Ability !
Fighting Ability !
Magic control !
Even for the flexibility, agility, response, fitness, and so on, the body is constantly struggling with the challenge of the limit!
Now Noah, compared with four years ago, the strength is that there has been a change in sky and the earth turning upside down!
At least, Noah is confident. If he has the opportunity to speak for himself four years ago, he doesn’t use the magic of terrifying, and does not use the superb sword technique. He doesn’t even move half a step, just waving his fists. Can beat myself four years ago!
This is that Noah is now only part of the strength!
As for the Magic side…
Glanced at the boulder next to him, Noah extend the hand, and gently pressed it on it, then lifted his footsteps and walked forward, and Shadow disappeared into the woods.
Until Noah’s Shadow disappeared into the woods, the boulder that was a little bigger than Noah’s body suddenly felt like the inside of the ray of light, along the gap, the whole boulder seemed to be painted. A line of lattice-like, neatly arranged.
“boom—- !”
In the muffled sound, the lines are arranged neatly in a checkered pattern. The boulder is directly like an explosion. It is turned into a piece of perfectly analogous square, which falls on the ground and stirs up a lot of smoke again.
For four years, Noah has been practicing, but there is no fixed place.
Sometimes it is a mountain.
Sometimes it is a lake.
Sometimes it is the river.
Sometimes it is Lin.
鐢氲呖 chain 欐槸娣辫 欐槸娣辫 欐槸娣辫 锛屾槸娣 锛屾槸娣 锛屾槸娣
Noah 灏辫 Umbrella 镙 湪one by one 鎴栧 闱欑殑鐜锛屾垨鍗 闱欑殑鐜锛屾垨鍗 闱欑殑鐜锛屾垨鍗 闱欑殑鐜锛屾垨鍗 橹镄勯橹鍦 橹镄勯橹鍦 镊 镊 镊 镊 镊 Traditional practice
涓嶈 锛屽嵆浣垮湴鏂 锛屽嵆浣垮湴鏂 锛屽嵆浣垮湴鏂 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 纴 纴 纴 纴 Noah 閮 粠鏉ユ 粠鏉ユ 粠鏉ユ 兘澶熺湅鍒癕 杩 杩 杩 杩 gno gno gno gno gno gno gno gno gno
鍗 鏄 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴 鍏ュ嵄闄╃殑妫滠涓笌钖勭钖勬牱镄刴Oah 姣忓ぉ閮 细 fine gallium sentence agnolia 锛岀湅涓€鐪笺€峄airy Tail 銆忋€
涔熺敱浜庡苟娌°C湁绂诲紑Magnolia 澶︼ 镄勫叧绯 纴杩椤洓骞 纴杩椤洓骞 纴杩椤洓骞 纴杩椤洓骞 anna anna anna anna anna anna anna anna anna za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za za澶熸 鍒癗 oah鈥檚韪︼ resistance
Chain 夌殑镞跺 欐槸 嗕綋銆
Chain 夌殑镞跺 欐槸涓﹄ 欐槸涓﹄ 欐槸涓﹄
Chain 夌殑镞跺 欐槸鎴愮兢缁 欐槸鎴愮兢缁 銆 銆
Chain 夌殑镞跺€欎篃鍙湁涓ゃ€佷笁涓﹄汉銆
镐讳箣锛屾 闅斾竴娈 闅斾竴娈 纴 纴 Noah 镐 兘鐪嫔埌镊 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 ll ll ll dull 銆
姣旷珶锛屽摢镐曟槸 闀 闀 闀 闀 娆 娆 娆 娆 C 病 病 病 病 病 病 病 病 病 病
褰撶劧锛屾渶鐭殑涓 娆 娆 ° C disease 侀 侀 侀 镄勬椂闂 镄勬椂闂 佷笁涓湀浠ヤ笂銆 佷笁涓湀浠ヤ笂銆 佷笁涓湀浠ヤ笂銆 佷笁涓湀浠ヤ笂銆
鍦ㄦ椂涓嶆椂镄勬 闅斾竴娈 闅斾竴娈 椂闂 窡 窡 粡镄勫皬 粡镄勫皬 粡镄勫皬 comp comp comp comp comp comp comp comp comp comp comp笉瓒呰 涓 涓 澶╋纴闄ゆ浠ュ渚垮彧 澶╋纴闄ゆ浠ュ渚垮彧 chain 夐敾镣硷纴阌荤偧锛屽啀阌荤偧镄勭敓娲讳腑锛孨 oah 瀹屾垚浜呜 umbrella 锲涘Tick the practice 銆
绌 笂绠 鍗旷殑锏 鍗旷殑锏 鍗旷殑锏 锛屾姭涓娄笅鎽呜 锛屾姭涓娄笅鎽呜 锛屾姭涓娄笅鎽呜 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 gno gno gno gno gno gno gno gno gno agnolia 镄勬楠钖戏纴 in the eyes 浠 浠 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 夌殑 il il il il il il il 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆
鈥滀篃璇ュ洖铡讳竴瓒熶 钖э纻鈥
鍙d腑杩欎箞璇 inch潃锛孨oah 涔熼殢涔嬬揣鎻¤捣浜嗘妩澶达纴shortly afterwards 鎽婂紑浜嗘 锛屼笂闱 (1) 崌 can donate 阒€阒甸浘姘斾 镄 h hite light 锛宐 ack and forth 缈 粴镌 銆 銆
鍙湁镡熸倝ultimate level destruction Magic 銆嶤rush 銆忕殑浜 墠浼氱煡阆掳纴杩欓浘姘斾 墠浼氱煡阆掳纴杩欓浘姘斾 h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h鍒 浠 浠 涔堜笢瑗匡纴闾 涔堜笢瑗匡纴闾 涔堜笢瑗匡纴闾 Е纰 Е纰 埌瀹 埌瀹 埌瀹 韬 韬 韬 韬 韬
Noah Emerald for 鐢卞姝ゅ嵄闄╃殑涓滆タ鍦ㄨ嚜宸 殑 殑 嬫帉涓奲 嬫帉涓奲 and and 缈 缈 粴锛屽苟镡熺粌镄勮鍏跺彂鍏夐 粴锛屽苟镡熺粌镄勮鍏跺彂鍏夐 纴鎸 纴鎸 纴鎸佺画浜嗕竴浼泛纴鐚涚殑绱 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 鎷 鎷
鍏跺疄锛屼粠涓€骞村墠寮€濮嬶纴Noah鈥檚銆嶤rush 銆忎 鍐崭篃娌 湁澶 °C 湁澶 杩囦 杩囦 杩囦
涓嶈 锛屼 锛屼 侊纴 侊纴 侊纴 Noah 杩樻槸阌荤偧浜嗐 嶤 銆忛敾镣 銆忛敾镣 銆忛敾镣 鏁 鏁 鏁 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞
鐜 湪锛孨 oah 宸茬粡 chain 夌栌鍒嗙栌镄勪 蹇冨彂鍑 蹇冨彂鍑 蹇冨彂鍑 镙 镙 镙 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑
鈥滃嵆浣挎槸Gildarts 锛屼粎璁哄銆嶤rush 銆忕殑鎺у埗镄勮瘽涔熸病夋垜寮夋垜寮紒鈥
鐣欎笅杩欐牱镄刣eclaration 浠ュ悗锛孨oah lazy performance 涓殑镐濅埂涔嬫儏浜嗭纴鑴镐笂娴幇浜嗕竴涓﹄箙杩濈殑鎸镄勭瑧瀹癸纴浼 锛実 锛実 rabbed 鎼佸湪涓€镞佺殑瑁呯潃Knight Sword 镄刡ag Mag line Magnolia 镄勬楠钖戣蛋铡汇€
Magnolia 峄€峄airy Tail 銆忊€
鐪嬬潃镊繁鐪煎墠闾g啛镇夌殑寤虹瓒鐗╋纴Noah 鍗存槸镐槸镐劧浜呜劧浜呜涔呫
four years ago.
鍗 鏄洓骞 鏄洓骞 鏄洓骞 鏄洓骞 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄 峄崲鍙栥€
鎯 潵锛屽簲璇ヤ笉鏄嚜鐒 潵锛屽簲璇ヤ笉鏄嚜鐒 佸潖锛岃 佸潖锛岃 佸潖锛岃 屾槸琚偅 屾槸琚偅 屾槸琚偅 椆 椆 椆 椆 椆 椆 椆 缁欐 缁欐 缁欐
Take a deep breath 锛孨oah 寮哄帇涓嫔唴蹇 power 殑镒熸儏锛屼 a few gallium 嬶纴灏咷 uild 镄勫ぇ闂ㄧ粰鎺ㄥ紑銆
澶╂墠鍒 Argon 垰浜 娌 ° ° 湁澶 Hydrogen 箙銆
锲犳锛孏uild 涓 妤 妤 妤 妤 殑閰掑惂 殑閰掑惂 殑閰掑惂 殑閰掑惂 殑閰掑惂 殑閰掑惂 殑閰掑惂 殑閰掑惂 殑閰掑惂 屼篃杩樻 屼篃杩樻
Noah 鐪嬬潃闾g啛 town 夌殑鍦 櫙锛屽湪閰掑惂 櫙锛屽湪閰掑惂 岄 岄 岄 岄 岄 鍦堬纴闅忓嵆韪忎笂浜嗘ゼ姊纴璧 鍦堬纴闅忓嵆韪忎笂浜嗘ゼ姊纴璧 鍦堬纴闅忓嵆韪忎笂浜嗘ゼ姊纴璧 鍦堬纴闅忓嵆韪忎笂浜嗘ゼ姊纴璧 鍦堬纴闅忓嵆韪忎笂浜嗘ゼ姊纴璧纴鏉ュ埌镊繁镄勬埧闂撮棬鍙o纴浼告锛屽皢鍏锛屽皢鍏舵锛屽皢鍏
Diarrhea little bit 镄勬敼鍙橀兘娌°C湁銆
濡 悓 悓 Noah 鍒 鍒 垰绂诲紑镄勬椂 垰绂诲紑镄勬椂 欎竴镙 € €
Noah 绔椤湪闂ㄥ彛锛岀湅浜嗗ソ涔呭ソ涔呫€
鍗婂搷浠ュ悗锛屼竴涓0 纴杞 阔 纴杞 纴杞 ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′