Chapter 961

Chapter 0062 Kevin Matthew’s plan

The arrival of Kevin Matthew made Gu Guolong deeply radiant. As a Chinese who lived on the North American continent, no one would admire him. Although this Chinese genius could not change his American nationality at birth, he still Let the Chinese be proud of it. As long as there is the blood of the Chinese people in the body, it is the descendant of the dragon. Regardless of nationality, he is the pride of the Chinese.

This even the US imperial president, San Gu Mao, has a hot-faced genius brat, and he actually visited the door without his knowledge. It is really a matter of letting him know for a while. After all, the big circle participated in some arms business. Gu Guolong also had a lot of understanding of military weapons. He did not see Kevin Matthew’s insight into modern scientific and technological weapons and equipment in the monthly magazine of World Military World. Wen Ma Xiu is quite familiar with it, he will never admit the wrong person!

After three times and five times, blinking, Gu Guolong believed in the facts before him, and then he realized that Xu Yun was standing beside Kevin Matthew… Is it… is… is Xu Yun, this talented person Please come to the house? ! Gu Guolong took a sigh of relief. He always looked at Xu Yun and he still felt that he was too oneself infallible and turned Xu Yun down!

“This is Gu Lao, long-awaited, I heard that your blessing, the Chinese in Vancouver have received higher respect and recognition.” Kevin Matthew’s performance is very natural, smiled with Gu Guolong Greetings, there is no shelf at all.

Gu Guolong was flattered: “Fast… Come in, I… Hahaha, I really don’t know what I want to say. I can still make a young man like Mr. Matthew in my lifetime. It’s my blessing of three lifetimes!”

“Gu Lao, this can lift me too much, just call me Matthew.” Kevin Matthew did not expect the leader of the Canadian Chinese circle to be so enthusiastic about himself. Naturally, he also felt that he was full of face and who is the country. Also, regardless of the nationality culture, there is no one who does not like others to give face!

Of course, the one who likes to face is Chinese, and everyone admits it.

Although Kevin Matthew is a US citizen and lives in the United States, he is the blood of the Chinese.

“Xu Yun, you really caught me off guard.” Gu Guolong was also amazed at Xu Yun: “How did you bring such a big person to your home, and don’t tell me in advance, I will arrange for people to receive it.” “”

“我怕约不下来,所以昨天就没敢说。”Xu Yun 微微一笑:“谁知道马修brother 那么给面子呢。”

凯文·马修被引领进房间之后,一边四处看着,一边答道:“云哥都发话了,我怎么敢don’t give face 呢,嘿嘿嘿,我没主动过来就够不讲究了。”

听到两人关系那么近,顾国龙对Xu Yun 又升起了一股强烈的神秘感。

顾绮娅到并非是没见过世面的人,今天一早Xu Yun 就起床离开,她虽然昨天听Xu Yun 说了要找凯文·马修帮忙的事情,但没想到马上马就梦想成真了,还是有点太突然了。

Xu Yun 又把大家给凯文·马修做了下介绍,当然,他就不需要介绍凯文·马修了,在场的人都认识他。Guo Guo 知道凯文·马修是步飞梵的师父,所以对他的印象非常特殊。

“顾老,马修已经答应我出面解决黑暗天使那边的问题。”Xu Yun 道:“你就让大圈的brother 们准备好,只要时机成熟,就狠狠的给包石松当头一棒,让他知道华夏人不讲信义的下场。”

顾国龙感激Xu Yun 为他做的一切,更感激凯文·马修会出面来,他不是个善于用语言表达自己内心世界的人,但从他真挚的眼神里,所有人都看得出他的那种感动和激动。


事不宜迟,早去一分钟就早一分钟解决问题,Xu Yun 点点头,对顾绮娅道:“Guo Guo 就麻烦你帮我照顾了。”

“交给我你放心就好,我已经跟Guo Guo 约好了,先带她去伊利沙伯王后公园,然后再去史丹利公园。”顾绮娅道。

Guo Guo 也懂事儿的点头道:“你忙你的就好,不要分心我的事儿。我们等你好消息哦。”

顾绮娅把自己的车交给了Xu Yun ,Xu Yun 离开Gu Family 之后,便按照凯文·马修的指示直接开往伯纳比,经过卑诗理工学院的时候,一群阳光灿烂的妹子笑着对他们的汽车打招呼,异国他乡美眉就是性格开朗啊。


所以,凯文·马修的策略可不是直接跟罗德南拉维尼接触,他是要先跟罗德南拉维尼的daughter 席琳接触,然后通过席琳说服她的father 罗德南拉维尼,不要去庇护以包石松为首的华人团伙。




这件事情处理结束之后,凯文·马修还有件事情想要做,他准备跟Xu Yun 一起乘顾绮娅的船去华夏。这段时间国际关系紧张,虽然美国政府每天都在讲人权,但凯文·马修很清楚,他可以到加拿大来打高尔夫,也可以去巴西看世界杯,但美国绝对不会给他办理去华夏的签证。


当然,这些事情凯文·马修都跟Xu Yun 说过了,Xu Yun 虽然不知道席琳是否可以解决这件事情,但还是尊重凯文·马修的决定,试一试。

“我们要去哪找席琳?”Xu Yun 开车开了好一阵子了:”再往东就是迪尔湖了吧?“”


这话到也没错,Xu Yun 点点头,继续开车。