Chapter 1485

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Noah was alone in the hotel room when four girls from Erica, Yuri, Liliana and Ena traveled to the location of Devil King-Exterminating Hero and sent Noah’s request.

At this point, Noah is closing his eyes and accepting information that suddenly feeds back into his mind.


Noah Dreyar


Power :sss(1840)→sss(2000)

Endurance :sss(1847)→sss(2000)

Dexterity :sss(1856)→sss(2000)

Agility :sss(1866)→sss(2000)

Magic Power :sss(1859)→sss(2000)

Mystery :d

Mage :d

Swordsman :d→c

Broken: d→c

Magic ————

“Weapon Refining”

Refined Steel Magic.

Copy, refine, and forge weapons.

The weapons that are copied, refined, and forged are somewhat weakened depending on the level, performance, and level of the weapon.

The weapons that are copied, refined, and forged determine the length of time depending on the level, performance, and level of the weapon.

“Divine Protection of Sword”

Resident in Magic.

Get permanent Divine Protection based on the Attribute of Contracted Spirit.

Contracted Spirit is Sword Spirit, which gets Sword Spirit’s Divine Protection, which weakens its physical attacks.

The degree of weakening increases or decreases depending on the strength and weakness of the subject.

『Cold Smelting 』

Speed ​​attack Magic.

Let the object gradually become a steel.

Steel can succeed to make it Crush.

The Steelization speed is determined by the power and Ability of the object.


“World’s Asylum”

Resident skills.

Equivalent to Luck.

Events that are directly related to luck will ultimately lead to the most favorable outcome.


After the information that suddenly came back to my mind was accepted, Noah eyes opened, and some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“I didn’t expect that I actually couldn’t rise to the level after I reached the conditions for upgrading.”

In order to deal with Hero, you can increase the winning rate. Noah, while the day was still not bright, hid in the room and gave himself an update of the Ability Value.

The proficiency of Noah Ability Value has not been updated before. Almost close to the culmination of 2000 proficiency, it is almost possible to upgrade.

And after coming to this world. Noah has been fighting with Susanoo, Great Sage Equaling Heaven and Athena’s three high-level Heretic Gods. They should have accumulated a lot of experience.

So, Noah believes that updating the Ability Value at this time may be able to raise the proficiency of Basic Abilities to the top and allow them to upgrade.

If you can rise to the lv.6 level, then against Hero, Noah’s winning percentage will improve a lot.

however. After updating the Ability Value, Noah got an expected result with an unexpected result.

The expected result is that the five Basic Abilities are indeed upgraded to the capped 2000 proficiency and can be upgraded to the next level.

The unexpected result is that Noah has not yet reached the conditions for another upgrade.

Noah must meet two conditions if he wants to upgrade.

One: The full Ability Value is upgraded to the XSSX proficiency SSS stage.

Two: Accumulate enough to improve to the next level of Fenggong exploit.

The former condition, in the past, has always been the reason for the Noah upgrade.

The latter condition, because Noah has always used the extremely powerful objects as the relationship of the opponent, and it is not difficult to achieve the exploit.

So before that. The second upgrade condition has never been the reason why Noah can’t upgrade.

But this time, Noah was tied to the second upgrade condition.

“There have been many battles with God as an opponent, but it is not an exploit.”

In “Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon” World. In general, the second condition is the reason for the upsizing of the “Blessing” person given by God.

After all, the so-called Fenggong exploits generally refer to accumulating a miraculous experience.

For example, knock down an opponent that is stronger than yourself.

For example, crusade Floor Master alone.

For example, strike to kill is a powerful Monster.

For example to complete the average person impossible full of trial.

These are the so-called Fenggong exploits.

It is naturally difficult to achieve these conditions.

镓€浠ワ纴鍗囩骇浠ワ纴鍗囩骇浠ワ纴鍗囩骇嶆槸姣忎竴涓狝dventurer 姊〉瘣浠ユ眰镄勪簨鎯呫€

浣嗘槸锛屼 浣嗘槸锛屼 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 涓︷棶棰 竴鐩撮兘娌 竴鐩撮兘娌 ° ° 湁鏉熺 湁鏉熺 ah oah 銆

锲犱 銆侼 ah oah 灞 °C鎸戞垬镄刼pponent 閮 槸杩滆 槸杩滆 瓒呰 浜呜嚜韬獳 浜呜嚜韬獳 bility Value 镄勭瓑绾х殑瀛 湪銆

浜庢槸锛岄偅涔熻 嗕 浜嗕竴绉崭 浜嗕竴绉崭 浜嗕竴绉崭 锷焑 锷焑 xploit 銆傝 Noah 浠庢潵娌 ° ° 湁琚 湁琚 涓︷棶棰樻潫缂氲 涓︷棶棰樻潫缂氲 涓︷棶棰樻潫缂氲 涓︷棶棰樻潫缂氲 涓︷棶棰樻潫缂氲

鐜板湪锛岃伞涓︷棶棰樼粓浜庢槸鎴愪负浜嗘潫缂歂oah 鍗囩骇镄勫师锲犳墍鍦ㄤ简銆

鈥 湅鏉ャ 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 鎴戠幇鍦ㄧ殑绛夌骇锛屾兂 鎴戠幇鍦ㄧ殑绛夌骇锛屾兂 鎴戠幇鍦ㄧ殑绛夌骇锛屾兂 殑铡诲崌绾 殑铡诲崌绾

Noah helpless

鈥滃鏋滀笉杈 垚鐪熸镄勪 垚鐪熸镄勪 垚鐪熸镄勪 锷焑 xploit 镄勮瘽锛屼 璁 纴鐜 纴鐜 纴鐜 纴鐜 湪鏄崌涓崭 绾 绾 绾 绾 绾

鍐嶆 庝箞璇 庝箞璇 纴 Noah 鐜 湪镄勭瓑绾 兘宸茬粡杈 兘宸茬粡杈 兘宸茬粡杈 兘宸茬粡杈 v.5浜嗐€

Key 屼笖锛孨oah 杩欎 lv lv.5鍦ㄥ墠闱 (3) 殑鍑犱 绛夌骇 岄兘绱Н鍒 岄兘绱Н鍒 岄兘绱Н鍒 岄兘绱Н鍒 鍒 鍒 垚镄凚 垚镄凚 垚镄凚 垚镄凚 asic Abilities 銆

璋侊纴鍙堣兘 plating kitchen oah 涓 镙 镙 纴姣忎竴娆 纴姣忎竴娆 崌绾 崌绾 兘寰楀皢 兘寰楀皢 兘寰楀皢 兘寰楀皢 兘寰楀皢 兘寰楀皢 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 兘鎻愬崌鍒疖 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑Upset 纻

A汉鍙︷渶瑕佸皢Basic Abilities 镄勫叾涓竴椤 彁鍗囧埌500镡熺粌搴》殑d阒 阒 灏卞 缁忕畻鏄 缁忕畻鏄 缁忕畻鏄 绉埌浜嗗崌绾 殑鍏朵腑涓€涓浔浠讹纴闅涓浔浠讹纴闅璺璺 hydrocarbon oah 绠€鐩翠笉鏄竴涓︻骇鍒€

Chain chain 欎 灏咮 asic Abilities 浣滀 闅愯棌 闅愯棌 闅愯棌 闅愯棌 闅愯棌 闅愯棌 闅愯棌 ah ah lv lv lv lv lv lv.5绛夌骇鎭愭€曟瘮Orario 鍞痮ne after another 涓猯v.7绛夌骇绛夌骇€绱Н鍒 Dress up power 閮介珮銆

鍦ㄨ Umbrella Hurricane 殑鎯呭喌涓嬶纴 Noah 缁堜簬鏄潵鍒 蹇呴 蹇呴 蹇呴 杈 垚鐪熸镄勪 垚鐪熸镄勪 锷焑 锷焑 xploit 嶈兘鍗囩骇镄刡 嶈兘鍗囩骇镄刡 嶈兘鍗囩骇镄刡 嶈兘鍗囩骇镄刡 嶈兘鍗囩骇镄刡 嶈兘鍗囩骇镄刡 嶈兘鍗囩骇镄刡 嶈兘鍗囩骇镄刡

鈥滃簲璇ヨ鏄ぉ镒忓悧锛熲€漀oah 钃》劧涓€绗戙€

鈥 溂涓嬶纴灏 溂涓嬶纴灏 溂涓嬶纴灏 涓︷ 涓︷ 涓︷ 悎鎴愪 悎鎴愪 悎鎴愪 悎鎴愪 悎鎴愪 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛 姛



鈥沧帴涓嬫潵锛屽彧暗瑕佺瓑鍒板ぉ浜畉hen it will be alright 浜嗐€傗€

灏卞湪Noah 镊︼█镊︼镄勮镌€杩欎箞涓€鍙ヨ瘽镄勬椂chain欙纴鎴 棬琚暡鍝崭


鈥 帇锛屾偍鍦ㄥ悧锛熲

闾f槸Amakasu Touma 镄勫0阔炽€


Noah 鈥檚鐪夊ご椤挎椂寰井鎸戝姩浜呜捣鏉ヤ


涓夊垎阍熶 钖庯纴 钖庯纴 ah aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka aka

鍦ㄨ 岋纴宸茬粡 岋纴宸茬粡 岋纴宸茬粡 岋纴宸茬粡 変笁涓﹄ 変笁涓﹄ 変笁涓﹄ 変笁涓﹄ 変笁涓﹄ 揪浜嗐

涓€涓槸浜虹 ОBlack Prince 镄凙lec 銆

涓€涓槸浜虹锏絇锏絇rincess 镄凙lice 銆

There is still one 锛屽嵈鏄竴涓︻┛镌€瑗胯锛屾墦镌€棰嗗甫锛屼竴鍓ぞ浼氢汉澹殑澹殑撴壆锛屽嵈姣擜makasu Touma Congratulations

鈥沧垜鏉ヤ粙缁崭竴涓嫔惂銆傗€滱makasu Touma 杩欐牱瀵圭潃Noah 璇撮死銆

Comp yo yo H H H H yo yo yo yo yo 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 珐 Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family灏忓銆傗€

鈥沦ayanomiya 瀹讹纻鈥漀oah 鍏堟槸startled 锛岄殢鍗硈tunned 镄勭湅浜呜 铡 铡


绌 潃瑗胯锛屾墦镌 棰嗙粨镄勫皬濮愶纻

鈥滃垵娆¤闱纴Noah-sama 銆傗€漇ayanomiya Kaoru Dark 嚭浜嗕竴涓﹄笉 嚭浜嗕竴涓﹄笉 嚭浜嗕竴涓﹄笉 忓皯濂 忓皯濂 忓皯濂 忓皯濂 夌殑鐖 夌殑鐖

鈥滃ぇ瀹 涔庨兘 涔庨兘 涔庨兘 夊湪鐭ラ 鎴戠殑鐪熷疄镐 鎴戠殑鐪熷疄镐 埆浠ュ悗锛屽鎴戠殑杩椤箙 埆浠ュ悗锛屽鎴戠殑杩椤箙 埆浠ュ悗锛屽鎴戠殑杩椤箙 埆浠ュ悗锛屽鎴戠殑杩椤箙 埆浠ュ悗锛屽鎴戠殑杩椤箙 埆浠ュ悗锛屽鎴戠殑杩椤箙 埆浠ュ悗锛屽鎴戠殑杩椤箙纴浣嗗埆鐪嬫垜鐜 湪杩欐牱锛屾垜濂 涔熺畻鏄痀 涔熺畻鏄痀 涔熺畻鏄痀 镄勫悓绐楋纴鎴戜 镄勫悓绐楋纴鎴戜 镄勫悓绐楋纴鎴戜 鍙槸钖屼竴灞婄殑 Hime-Miko 銆傗€

璇 inch潃杩欐牱镄勪竴鍙ヨ瘽锛孲ayanomiya Kaoru 瀵圭潃镊繁闱(1) 墠镄勪綅缃仛浜嗕竴涓︼镄勬 锷 € €

鈥滀笉绠°C€庝箞镙凤纴杩樿Noah-sama 鍧愪笅锛岃韬负鐜嬬殑浜虹墿绔欑潃锛屽 ammonia绠楁槸鎴戦兘瑙夊缑 chain変簺Trembling in fear 浜嗐€傗€

钖潃Sayanomiya Kaoru 闾d笉鐭ラ笉鐭ラ板鍒oah 涓岖敱镄勮嫤绗戜简涓€澹帮纴浣呜缮鏄痮bediently 镄勪笂鍓嶏纴鍧愪 涓嬫潵銆

钖屽潗涓嬫潵镄勪汉岄岄岄 lso Alice 涓峣lec 銆

镊 簬 簬 Amakasu Touma 锛屽垯鏄珯鍦⊿ayanomiya Kaoru 镄勮儗钖庯纴涓 鍓緟 鍓緟 鍓緟 殑 殑 殑 并 € and €