Chapter 1561
Emerald cauldron back to the peak of the 叆浜嗕竴阒 毦浠ヨ 锽荤殑娌夊 锽荤殑娌夊 锽荤殑娌夊 锽荤殑娌夊 锽荤殑娌夊
Us 変 変 涓纴镞犺鏄疜 涓纴镞犺鏄疜 涓纴镞犺鏄疜 涓纴镞犺鏄疜 涓纴镞犺鏄疜 涓纴镞犺鏄疜 涓纴镞犺鏄疜 涓纴镞犺鏄疜 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 銆丩 ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ╒ampire Ancient Castle 涔嫔唴镄刼ne by one 鍏卞悓浣掳纴one after another 閮介櫡鍏ヤ ababsolute silence 镄勭姸镐€
杩欎竴鍒杩欎竴鍒噷锛屾墍 chain 塴ooked towards 浜哊oah鈥檚浜虹殑绁炴儏锛屽彧 chain変竴绉嶃
闾e ammonia
Shiroyasha 涓嶲ueen Halloween
闄や 鍏 鍏 湰韬殑 power 浠ュ锛屽緢澶т竴閮ㄥ垎镄勫 division Authority un Authority 涔嬩笂銆
Sun Authority 镄勯 瑕佹 笌鐗 笌鐗 笌鐗 笌鐗 笌鐗 笌鐗 笌鐗 笌鐗 笌鐗 笌鐗 笌鐗 笌鐗 寰埚娆 寰埚娆 寰埚娆 寰埚娆
杩欐牱镄勪簩鍗佸洓涓猄un Authority 锛孲hiroyasha 涓 浜哄崰鎹 浜哄崰鎹 鍏 鍏 腑镄勫崄锲涗 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛孮 锛屽彧璁╁墿涓嬬殑锲涗 锛屽彧璁╁墿涓嬬殑锲涗 嚧浜哠 嚧浜哠 嚧浜哠 嚧浜哠 en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en €
鐜板湪锛孲hiroyasha 灏嗗崄锲涗 镄凷 镄凷 un Authority 杞缁欎 Jane Noah 銆
Key Silicone Noah Chain 浼 浼 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Authority 銆
闾e矀涓嶆槸璇达纴Noah 涓﹄€涓﹄涓﹄渚挎寔渚挎寔un Authority 噺涓婃瘮杩囧幓镄凷 噺涓婃瘮杩囧幓镄凷hiroyasha 璺烸ueen Halloween 閮 钖楋纻
杩欎 浜嫔疄锛岃 浜嫔疄锛岃 € € € € € € € € € 劅鍒 劅鍒 劅鍒 劅鍒
宸ㄥぇ镄勯独涔憋纴鍐崭竴娆$殑鍦╒ampire Ancient Castle
浣嗘槸锛岃 umbrella涓€娆°€系arah 涓岙andora 杩欎袱浣岶loor Master 宸茬粡涓嶅啀鍑哄0铡嫔埗浜嗐€
锲犱负锛屽 ammonia杩潇wo people 閮 杩欎竴浜嫔疄缁欓渿鎾硷纴涓 镞 镞 箣闂 箣闂 箣闂 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛
Noah 镊︻劧鑳 鏄庣槠锛岃嚜宸 鏄庣槠锛岃嚜宸 many many many that many 镄凷un Authority 杩欎 浜嬫儏銆 浜嬫儏銆 埌搴曚 埌搴曚 寮曡捣澶 寮曡捣澶 锷ㄣ 锷ㄣ 锷ㄣ 锷ㄣ
鍙﹄笉杩囷纴闾h窡Noah 娌°C湁浠€涔埚叧绯汇€
鈥滀綘璇寸殑娌¢敊銆傗€漀oah nodded 锛屽ぇ澶ф楠鏂圭殑殑
鈥沦hiroyasha 夌殑 chain夌殑 Sun Authority 閮 閮 璁╃粰浜嗘垜銆傗
鈥沧墍浠ワ纴浣犲簲璇ョ煡阆撹镐庝箞 氢 氢 cient cient cient cient cient cient ncient Wind Divine Spirit casually 鑸殑璇 杩欎箞涓 杩欎箞涓 鍙ャ 鍙ャ 鍙ャ
鈥滃彧瑕佷綘灏哠un Authority 閮 氦鍑 氦鍑 氦鍑 潵锛岄偅鎴戜 潵锛岄偅鎴戜 灏 灏 灏 锛屼笉浼 锛屼笉浼 锛屼笉浼 锛屼笉浼 锛屼笉浼 锛屼笉浼 锛屼笉浼 锛屼笉浼 锛屼笉浼 锛屼笉浼浜虹殑銆傗€
鐩村埌杩欐椂锛屼紬浜烘墠鏄庣槠浜咹 eaven 璇 God Group 涓 粈涔堜 finely simultaneously 镄勬秾鐜 纴鍑 纴鍑 纴鍑 纴鍑 纴鍑 纴鍑 纴鍑
濡傛灉鑳 寰楀埌 ah Noah 嬩腑闾 鍗婃暟镄凷 h stretch Authority un Authority 銆傛棤璁 槸鍝﹄竴涓狦 槸鍝﹄竴涓狦 槸鍝﹄竴涓狦 Group 锛屽湴浣崭笌锷垮姏灏嗕 fine forging 堢幇鍑犱綍 chain 锛岀灛闂 锛岀灛闂 噷椹 噷椹 Go Go Go Go Go Go God Group 涔嬩笂锛岄偅涔熶笉鏄 夊彲鑳 chain chain
Only 锛屾墍 chain 変 閮 閮 閮 夋兂鍒 夋兂鍒
Authority 闾 簺 簺 簺 Sun Authority 锛孒 eaven various Gods 灞呯劧 chain fear key 屽嚭锛岀敋镊 笉鎯沧槑鐩紶鑳嗙殑杩涜鍙戦毦銆
姣旷珶锛岃 Umbrella 镙 殑 殑 浣沧墍涓 浣沧墍涓 浣沧墍涓 浣沧墍涓 浣沧墍涓 浣沧墍涓 纴璺熸姠
浣嶅垪Little Garden 涓婂眰锛岃呖灏慩NUMX-Digit 镄勫瓨鍦ㄣ€ 眳鐒 眳鐒
鐩镐俊锛岃Take the 浜嗕粖澶╀ 浜嗕粖澶╀ He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He
鐒 屻 屻 傝 傝 傝 傝 镄勯偅浜涗 镄勯偅浜涗 镄勯偅浜涗 镄勯偅浜涗 镄勯偅浜涗 镄勯偅浜涗 镄勯偅浜涗 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ
Heaven various Gods 镞╁凡鍐 畾鑸嶅 Pure Little Garden 锛岃浠栦滑镊︻敓镊︻伃浜嗐
鏉ワ纴€鏉ワ纴Heaven various Gods 鍙堜綍蹇呭湪涔庡悕澹版湁澶氱嫾钘夊憿锛
镓€浠ワ纴闾ne by one 镄凣od Group 涔熶笉鍦ㄤ箮钖嶅0浜嗭纴缁勬垚浜咷od Group 镄勫ぇ鍐涳纴鐩存帴杩涜鎶(一)ず銆
鈥沧垜鍒 簳搴旇浣╂湇浣犱 簳搴旇浣╂湇浣犱 濂 An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An Smile yet not a smile
鈥滀 浜嗘垜涓 涓﹄笅鐣岀殑 涓﹄笅鐣岀殑 human 锛屼綘浠琀 eaven 镄凣 od Group 灞呯劧鍑犱箮鍏ㄩ儴閮 嚭锷ㄤ 嚭锷ㄤ锋垜鍟娿€傗€
鈥滀笉鐢ㄨ 鈥滀笉鐢ㄨ ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient cient镙 湰涓崭 湰涓崭 镓 镓 锷ㄣ 锷ㄣ 锷ㄣ
“Being able to push Aži Dakāha to Danger Realm, you have no doubt that there is no more power than 3-Digit. Together with more than half of Sun Authority, the threat is enough to match the existence of the main God Level.”
“In the past, Great Sage Equaling Heaven had Ability to upset Heaven’s many God Groups until 2-Digit’s mighty make a move.” Ancient Wind Divine Spirit was deeply looked forward to Noah.
“While you don’t like the fight against the Buddha, you have a lot of Demon Lord help, but we judge that you get more than half of the Sun Authority and you are even more threatened than the one with the same day, in order not to make mistakes, this is You should be honored to be out of the nest.”
“Say you are fat, are you really breathing?” Noah laughed.
“I’m still honored, could it be that you were stopped by a group of robbers, grabbed the money, and would be honored? Don’t say that would make people laugh at the big teeth?”
Noah’s words made the God Group a commotion.
The group of Strongest Species, headed by one after another, cast anger and icy eyes on Noah, so that the pressure between the whole world suddenly increased.
Obviously, for these natural-born, Divine Spirit’s Strongest Species, being ridiculed by a human is a rather humiliating thing.
Including the Ancient Wind Divine Spirit, the complexion began to gradually cool down.
“So, you don’t want to hand over the Sun Authority?”
“Shiroyasha transferred the Sun Authority to me in order to let me help her Guard’s lower bounds.” Noah glanced at Ancient Wind Divine Spirit and narrowed his eyes.
“Since you have made that decision, wouldn’t you still think that I will obediently hand over Sun Authority?”
“In other words, for the Sun Authority, do you fight against all God Groups?” Ancient Wind Divine Spirit said sarcastically.
“I admit, you are a human, you can have power that rivals the existence of the Lord God Level. It’s really amazing, but we don’t have a lot of Strongest Species here, and all of them are 3-Digit. Divine Spirit, even the Divine Spirit of 4-Digit has come out, can you fight so many Divine Spirits here?”
Along with the words of Ancient Wind Divine Spirit, the thousands of Divine Spirits that surrounded the entire Vampire Ancient Castle released a pressure that filled the world with terrifying pressure.
The pressure has already made the “entire group complexion” of “No Name” white, and the people in the one by one community in Ancient Castle feel that their breathing is not smooth.
If it weren’t because the pressures released by Divine Spirit were against Noah’s, Noah was under the pressure of 99%, and the pressure released by Gods and Buddhas would definitely make those who couldn’t even 4-Digit. The human spirit has collapsed.
Faced with the terrifying pressure of hiding the sky and covering the earth, only Noah is a complexion as usual.
“Is there only one that I want to say?”
Seeing that Noah was compromised under the terrifying power of Gods and Buddhas, the first group of Strongest Species one after another expression was a bit of a hit for Noah.
“I have to say that your decision is not wise.” Ancient Wind Divine Spirit also felt that Noah’s is not simple. When the words turn, he seems unwilling to confront Noah direct.
“Sun Authority is precious, but you are impossible to keep that many Sun Authority. As long as you have more than half of Sun Authority in a day, all God Groups will regard you as a target, you can it be that really Want to be an enemy of all God Groups?”
In the words of Ancient Wind Divine Spirit, Noah brows.
“What do you want to say?”
“I want to say that our purpose is only Sun Authority, and we don’t want to be embarrassed about you,” said Ancient Wind Divine Spirit.
“Well, if you are willing to hand over the King of the White Night to your fourteen Sun Authority, then we will not take away the two Sun Authoritys that you originally owned. What do you think?”
After that, Ancient Wind Divine Spirit still doesn’t know what power is being used, as if talking directly to Noah’s mind, in Noah’s heart.
“Not only that, but we can also let you and your companions rise to 4-Digit, so that you can get the privilege of moving to the new Little Garden, don’t worry about the group of ordinary people who are in the lower bounds.”
Noah suddenly silenced.
However, Noah was sighing with a faint sigh of time when he didn’t feel the joy of Ancient Wind Divine Spirit.
“Sure enough, I should not have any expectations for your so-called gods.”
In a word, all the decisions in Noah’s mind are exhausted.
The Complexion of Ancient Wind Divine Spirit sank and his eyes became cold.
“It’s stupid!”
“Stupid?” Noah was like a funny thing, and smiled in the eyes without a slight smile.
“This sentence should be what I said.”
When it fell, Noah stepped forward step by step.
“It’s stupid to actually run to me without knowing anything!”
With such a word, Noah’s body, a starlight shines.