Chapter 1665
Chapter 0010 tears in the heart of the pain
Yang Zhen is now completely understanding. This bathing center is a banquet for him this evening. He is planted in the hands of women. If it is not for the sake of finding a few pretty girls, it will not fall to the This is the end now.
Nowadays it is difficult to ride the tiger. Many things are very difficult to refuse in the face-to-face situation, which is different from the phone. This is why Shi Lei did not call him to ask for this request. If this is on the phone, Yang Zhen has an excuse to postpone the matter, but this face-to-face, the tiger is out of power, and if you don’t agree, there is no place to run. Can’t you really wait for a bite?
Yang Zhen knows clearly that even if Shi Lei is bullish, he can’t dare to kill him. After all, he is in this status. However, this is really not a good thing. It’s really uncomfortable to bite a bite. It’s a shame to pass it out. If you’re in Qindao, I’m afraid this little event will be harassed.
As the saying goes, I am not afraid of thieves stealing the thief. Now Shi Lei is remembering the room in his hand. If he does not give a satisfactory answer, it is a fake if he is not allowed to leave this place, but let him The Gold Coast has become a difficult-to-sell community. I believe he still has a way.
Moreover, his nephew was caught in the hands of Shi Lei. He only needed to anonymously call the country’s senior inspection team. When people came here, he would have a big trouble. When Shi Lei does not admit it, then he can’t point to what people say in their noses.
When I thought about it, Yang Zhen’s grievances in the heart of the nest could not find the breakthrough mouth to vent out. In the end, he could only sit on the side with his face open. He doesn’t want to talk now, just want to be quiet, and calculate his own costs.
“Yang boss, you have to calculate it, think about it.” Shi Lei saw that Yang Zhen calmed down and was not forced too tightly: “This is really simple. You are so piece of land, how much is it to take down?” You know better than anyone else, you want to give Xu’s villa, plus a single-family plus a swimming pool, how many? Sixty-seven hundred square meters of floor space? That is only an acre of land… you take the land This time is not so expensive.”
Yang Zhen is a heart that wants to cry. It is not easy for him to take the land. It is impossible to take an acre of land. This is not the diamond section in the center of Yanjing, but he needs to spend the land. A large sum, but also to bribe some people, get the hand he wants to build a house, but also to design the public space of the community, all kinds of flowers and plants, all kinds of landscape gardens……
The high-rise building can save money. The two acres of land will be lifted up, and a twenty-story, thirty-story layer will be sold in one breath, and dozens of households can be sold. So the price is relatively cheaper. But this villa can occupy such a big place for his family!
Besides, the initial price he wants is not high. Of course, this is not high, but it is not expensive in the eyes of the rich. Can buy, it is not bad money, are all identity, Yang Zhen also intends to make friends, so the price of more than 28 million sets is not exaggerated.
The poor must have felt the price of the sky, because the poor can’t afford a two-bedroom apartment with one hundred square meters. Since he was named the Gold Coast Garden Community, it is not for low-end residents, it is for high-end residents!
“Lee brother, the way you calculate this for me is really to make me have nothing to say.” Yang Zhen said with a bitter face: “The land in this lot is worthy, everyone knows well, I will not pay the price of this place. What’s the matter, but I have to spend some time building this house?”
“I have counted you in, 10 million, I have given a lot.” Shi Lei is biting dead, he will give the money, more than one point will not work, he also thinks that this money is enough for Yang Zhen’s capital. It’s gone.
只是杨振不这么想啊,是够本儿了,可他不能赚钱那就是损失,他这一套别墅怎么也要赚个一两千万吧,不然他不如盖成高层,高层多赚钱啊!这一亩地能足够一梯三户one hundred 五十平米以上的大三居,一口气弄上三十五层!那能赚多少?
但是任何事情都有取舍,杨振最终还是做出了决定,他认了,只要能和Xu Yun 和石磊用这一两千万的损失交朋友,那也不亏!况且现在还真有一件事情,他需要石磊出面帮他一把。
这话Xu Yun 相信,不用他天打雷劈,他绝对相信这话。一千万,在那高端的地段高端的小区买那么高端的别墅,Xu Yun 都怀疑自己这耳朵出问题了,石磊是真给力啊,这活儿办的太漂亮了。
“杨总,你这可一定要够本儿啊,不然我心里真过意不去。”Xu Yun 终于开口说话了,虽然是客气话,但却很明确的告诉杨振,他接受这房子的价格了。
石磊还不甘心呢:“够本,当然够本了,brother 你就不用操心这个了!若是不够本的话,杨老板也不可能再给你赠送装修啊,Hahaha ,来,今天咱也把这装修风格的事情定了吧,杨老板手下有人,这小事儿分分钟就解决了。”
杨振是彻底的哑口无言了,这还想着坑他装修费呢?!感情这若是再算上两百万,那他两千八百万的房子,就等于八百万给了Xu Yun ?!呼……杨振真想去拿两粒速效救心丸吃点了。他是真的快要受不了了。
“这个怎么还好意思让杨总做呢。”Xu Yun 也没想到石磊还紧追不舍,这真差不多了。
“杨老板自己都说了,包给他了,咱若是不答应,那多don’t give face 。”石磊道:“Xu Yun 老弟,面子这东西,有来有往,杨老板这么给我们面子,我们必须也要给他这个面子。”
杨振是心在流血泪要崩溃,可还必须挂起一脸笑容:“对!对!不然就是不给我面子了……hehe 呵……”
这一脸皮笑肉不笑的神情,真是让Xu Yun 有些忍不住想要笑了。可Xu Yun 也不知道为什么,痛宰这样一个黑心的房地产老板,他一点都不觉得内心有愧,反而也很乐意支持石磊的做法和行为。
“那我就只好恭敬不如从命了。”Xu Yun 说完笑了笑:“至于装修方面,杨总就看着来吧,和别墅风格能搭配起来就好,这方面我也不懂,我相信杨总比我更有研究。”
“徐总放心,这事儿就交给我了……”杨振didn’t know whether to cry or laugh ,自己这真成人家跑腿办事儿的小弟了。