Chapter 2020
锛埚崄鍒嗘劅璋10€桦ぉ鏋楁槦Shadow 鈥欍€佲€樻棤椋庣殦澶┾€欍€佲€樼湡.榫栾榫栾鐜嬧鐜嬧€欍€佲€桦桦骞骞骞Level
Loki Familia 镄勫ぇ chain 惀锛屼 鍓嶏纴 鍓嶏纴 Noah 旋 粡鏉ヨ 粡鏉ヨ 涓 娆 € €
闾f槸鍦ㄤ笌Lily 鐩°亣娌C湁澶hydrogen 箙锛屾墦绠楁墦钖琒oma Familia 镄勬儏鎶ョ殑镞跺€欑殑浜嬫儏銆
闾d 镞跺 镞跺 欙纴 No No No 浜呜 ki ki 浜呜 浜呜 ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki浜哠oma Familia 镄勬儏鎶ャ€
锲犳锛屽浜庤 涓潵杩囦竴娆 涓潵杩囦竴娆 殑鍦 殑鍦 殑鍦 锛孨 锛孨 锛孨 锛孨 锛孨 ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
鈥涣nly 锛屾病 chain 夋兂鍒 纴鍐崭竴娆$殑鏉ュ埌杩欓噷锛屾垜涔熷缑鎴愪负杩欓噷镄勪綇姘戜箣涓€銆傗€
鍦∣rario 镄勬渶鍖楃锛屼竴鏉¢┈璺殑鍓嶆楠锛孨oah 鐪 湜镌 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 绛戠墿锛岄櫡鍏ュ埌镒熸叏涓
璺熺涓€娆°C潵镄勬椂 chain欎竴镙欎竴镙纴鐪纴鐪墠杩欐爧寤墠杩欐爧寤瓒鐗╀緷镞瓒鐗╀緷镞鐗鐗€
鏄庢槑鍗犲湴area 涓嶅 锛屽嵈鐩 锛屽嵈鐩
楂 姣攕 姣攕 urroundings 涓€宁》殑浠讳綍寤虹瓒鐗╅兘楂樿€缑澶氥缑澶氥
鐢卞ソ鍑犲骇镄勯珮灞伥ower reading key 屾垚锛屽儚鏄竴搴у墤灞憋纴澶栬鍒欐槸绱摐鑹 layer
涓婃鏉ョ殑镞跺 欙纴 欙纴 ah Noah 骞 rudder disease chain 夊涔堣鐪熷幓 效 效 效 锛岀洿鍒 锛岀洿鍒 锛岀洿鍒 幇鍦ㄦ墠鍙戠幇锛岃 幇鍦ㄦ墠鍙戠幇锛岃 幇鍦ㄦ墠鍙戠幇锛岃 镙嫔Uncle’s rules
搴櫌骞 rudder disease chain 夊涔堢殑瀹 锛宱 锛宱 nly 鍗犳嵁浜嗗ぇ闂ㄥ埌瀹呯涔嬮棿镄勭┖闂 纴镙 纴镙 纴镙 浜嗗皯璁 浜嗗皯璁 殑 殑 殑墿涓庡悇鑹茬殑鑺 湹 湹 湹 湹 屽 銆
镊 簬搴櫌钖庨 簬搴櫌钖庨 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 绛戠墿锛岄偅灏 绛戠墿锛岄偅灏 绛戠墿锛岄偅灏 槸鐪熸镄勫鐗 槸鐪熸镄勫鐗
嶅彔鍦ㄤ竴璧 嶅彔鍦ㄤ竴璧 殑鍑犲骇 殑鍑犲骇 锛屽簳绔畲鍏ㄨ繛鎺ュ湪浜嗕竴璧 锛屽簳绔畲鍏ㄨ繛鎺ュ湪浜嗕竴璧 锛屽簳绔畲鍏ㄨ繛鎺ュ湪浜嗕竴璧 锛屽簳绔畲鍏ㄨ繛鎺ュ湪浜嗕竴璧 锛屽簳绔畲鍏ㄨ繛鎺ュ湪浜嗕竴璧 纴浠庝腑闂 纴浠庝腑闂 纴浠庝腑闂 纴浠庝腑闂 纴浠庝腑闂犳垚涓 搴 搴 骇镄 骇镄 ower ower 锛岀 鐩 鐩 氨 氨 氨 氨 氨 氨 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑 鍙ぇ鍨嬬殑
褰撶劧锛宼ower 涓巘ower 涔嬮棿骞朵笉鏄畲鍏ㄦ病链夎繛鎺ャ
鍦ㄥ垎寮 镄 镄 ower ower 涓 涓 涓 鏉 浔绌 浔绌 浔绌 ower ower ower ower ower ower 缁栾繛鎺ヤ 璧 璧 潵锛屽苟锲 inch粫浣忎 涓 搴 搴 綅浜庢渶涓ぎ镄 ower ower ower
Tower 镄勯”绔纴涓€闱(一)埢鐢荤潃Trickster (Clown) 镄勫浘妗堢殑镞楀笢闅忛椋樻壃銆
闾i镞楀笢锛宲recisely Loki Familia 镄勪笓灞瀒nsignia 銆
镞犺鏄ぇ chain惀镄勫惀镄勫傝缮鏄疐amilia 镄刬nsignia 锛屽潎閮 畲缇庣殑璇犻 鍑 杩欎竴 杩欎竴 杩欎竴 Familia 镄凛hief God 镄刾ersonality 銆
Loki 灏辫 镙 镙 甫镌 涓 涓 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭 浼桭
鈥淟oki 澶т汉锛佲€
鈥淟oki 澶т 锛佸悇浣嶅ぇ浜 锛佸悇浣嶅ぇ浜 monkey 紒鈥
涓€浼桳oki Familia 镄勭First Class Adventurer 浠潎閮絥od 锲炲簲銆
鈥沧垜浠洖鏉ヤ 銆傗 銆傗 滚 rolling oki 鎸ヤ 鎸ユ 鎸ユ 銆
鈥沧妸闂ㄧ粰 揿紑钖 揿紑钖 傗€傗€
鈥滆伞浣嵝€[€濆彟澶栦竴涓︷棬鍗嵈鏄濆彟澶栦竴涓︷棬鍗嵈鏄镒忓埌浜哊oah 銆
褰撶劧锛岄偅鏄畲鍏ㄦ敼鍙树简澶栬矊镄凬oah 銆
鐪嬬潃镊Chief God 涓庝竴浼楃First Class Adventurer 浠殑韬 璺熺潃杩欎箞涓 浣嶉檶鐢熶 浣嶉檶鐢熶 浣嶉檶鐢熶 浣嶉檶鐢熶 鍙 鍙 鍙嶅皠镄勮繘琛屼 璇 (5) 棶銆
鈥渌h? 浣犺杩欎 灏忓浼椤悧锛熲 滚 roll oki 闱笉鏀 silicon 壊镄勬愧浜嗘愧 Noah 鈥檚 ╄唨锛宑 free free free free free free ╄唨锛宑竴鍙ャ€
鈥滆 鏄垜鏂 鏄垜鏂 寲鍒 寲鍒 涓綔锷涜偂锛屼粠浠婂ぉ璧 涓綔锷涜偂锛屼粠浠婂ぉ璧 涓綔锷涜偂锛屼粠浠婂ぉ璧 涓綔锷涜偂锛屼粠浠婂ぉ璧 涓綔锷涜偂锛屼粠浠婂ぉ璧 锷犲叆鎴戜 锷犲叆鎴戜 ami ami ami ami ami ami ami ami ami ami ami锛屽埆璁ら敊锛岃寰楃粰浜哄寮€闂纴涓岖劧灏忓浼椤嚭铡讳简鍗村洖涓嶆潵锛屾垜灏辫浣犱滑镄勫皬灞佽偂寮€鑺便傗€€
Loki 镄勮瘽锛岃涓や 闂ㄥ崼鍑犱箮鏄笅镒忚瘑镄勬崅浣忎 闂ㄥ崼鍑犱箮鏄笅镒忚瘑镄勬崅浣忎 闂ㄥ崼鍑犱箮鏄笅镒忚瘑镄勬崅浣忎 潚浜嗐 潚浜嗐
鐪嫔埌杩欎竴骞曪纴Noah 宸偣娌°C 湁鎯 銆
Could it be that 锛孡oki 鐪熺殑 撹 撹 撹
灏卞湪Noah evil intent 镄勭寽娴嬬潃镄勬椂 chain欙纴澶ч棬宸茬粡琚緪寰愮殑棬宸茬粡琚緪寰愮殑揿紑浜嗐揿紑浜嗐
鈥滆繘铡诲惂銆傗€滚oki 瀵圭潃Noah 鍜т简鍜у槾銆
鈥 粰浣犲ソ濂 粰浣犲ソ濂 粙缁崭竴涓嬭 粙缁崭竴涓嬭 粙缁崭竴涓嬭 岋纴涓岖啛 岋纴涓岖啛 岋纴涓岖啛 岋纴涓岖啛 岋纴涓岖啛 岋纴涓岖啛 岋纴涓岖啛 岋纴涓岖啛 岋纴涓岖啛 岋纴涓岖啛 岋纴涓岖啛挒 佷 佷 涔埚ソ浜嬶纴鎴戝彲涓崭 涔埚ソ浜嬶纴鎴戝彲涓崭 涔埚ソ浜嬶纴鎴戝彲涓崭 涔埚ソ浜嬶纴鎴戝彲涓崭 涔埚ソ浜嬶纴鎴戝彲涓崭 鏀 鏀 鏀 鏀 鏀 鏀
Noah 褰揿嵆镞犺浜嗭纴寮曞缑Ais entire group 閮戒笉鐢卞缑绗戜笉鐢卞缑绗戜璧璧
Loki Familia 镄勫ぇ chain 潵灏辫璁 chain 潵灏辫璁 缑棰囦 濂囩壒锛岄殢渚 濂囩壒锛岄殢渚 棷镄勮瘽锛屼竴涓﹄笉灏忓 get get get lost 锛屽畲鍏ㄦ槸 chain夊彲鑳界殑銆
鍐嶅姞涓奓oki 鍙埚亸濂 昵鐩竎 beautiful 镄勭 鐪夛纴 鐪夛纴 Familia 屽ぇ閮ㄥ垎镄 屽ぇ閮ㄥ垎镄 ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema ema鐪熺殑杩涢敊浜嗘埧闂达纴闾d篃涓嶆槸娌°C湁鍙兘鍙戠敓镄勪簨鎯呫€
锲炴兂璧 嚜宸 鍓嶆浘缁忎笉灏戞阆 鍓嶆浘缁忎笉灏戞阆 鍓嶆浘缁忎笉灏戞阆 绉岖姸鍐碉纴 ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki oki Familia镄勫ぇ chain 惀镄勫湴褰 (3) 竻銆 竻銆
鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 镙 镙 跺喌涓嬶纴 跺喌涓嬶纴 跺喌涓嬶纴 跺喌涓嬶纴 ki 跺喌涓嬶纴 ki 潃 潃 潃 ah ah ah ah Noah 锛屼竴杈 杩沵 杩沵 杩沵 杩沵 杩沵 杩沵 ah ah ah ah 杈 杈
璺烪estia Familia 涓嶅悓锛孡oki Familia 瀹跺ぇ涓 ぇ锛岃鐭╀篃澶氥 ぇ锛岃鐭╀篃澶氥
Disappointing Chief God 镄凩oki 涓庝綔涓篊aptain 镄凡inn 涓€杈杈甫镌€Noah 璧 mixing 繘mansion 锛屾涓婇 pile 姊纴鏉ュ埌浜唗ower 涔嬩笂锛岀┛姊湪涓€鏉°C浔镄勭┖涓昵寤娄箣闂达纴璧伴亶钖勪亶钖勪鍦版锛屼竴杈锛屼竴杈锛屼竴杈锛屼竴杈€Noah 浠嬬粛钖勭钖勬牱镄勪簨瀹滐纴阃斾腑杩樼┛鎻掔潃Ais 銆乀iona 銆乀ione 銆丩efiya 銆丷iveria 涓嶨areth and the others 镄勪簺璁歌鏄庯纴涓嶅彲璋扑笉璇》粏銆
Noah 鍒欎竴杈 弬 弬 Lo Lo Loki Familia 镄勬櫙 傦纴涓 杈 杈 杈 杈 湅浼 湅浼 湅浼 湅浼 湅浼 湅浼 湅浼 湅浼槑缁椤惉浜呜繘铡存槑缁椤惉浜呜繘铡伙纴璁
阃斾腑锛孨oah 涔熼亣涓娄 涓嶅皯 涓嶅皯 Loki Familia 镄勫洟 桡纴寮曡捣浜嗕笉灏戜 桡纴寮曡捣浜嗕笉灏戜 镄勬 镒忥纴璁╀笉灏戠殑 镒忥纴璁╀笉灏戠殑 Loki Familia 镄勫洟 树 滑閮 悜鍏 悜鍏 姇鏉ヨ寮 姇鏉ヨ寮 笌濂 笌濂 笌濂 镄勭洰鍏夈
After all, people around Noah around the body, except for Lefiya, can all be their own high-level, first-level Adventurers.
Even Lefiya, the heir to Riveria, is destined to become a member of Loki Familia’s top.
Such a group of characters, plus Chief God, all around Noah’s side, introduced him to the rules of the entire base camp and Familia, it is difficult to attract attention.
Many people are already beginning to speculate, what is the name of this rookie in front of him, worthy of his own Chief God and the top of the line to serve.
In the midst of curiosity and attention, until the evening, Noah strolled through the entire camp of Familia.
“The rest is your room.”
In the corridor of the central tower, Loki took the road forward and Shiran said so.
“But before that, let’s finish your conversion.”
———— Reformed.
As the name implies, it is to change the ceremony that Familia belongs to.
Those who have joined Familia but want to switch to another Familia must go through this ceremony in order to truly change their belongings.
Once, Lily, who had been transferred from Soma Familia, went through such a step, and Noah was naturally no stranger.
“The level you registered in Guild seems to be lv.3?” Loki smirked at the seemingly unintentional expression.
“A few months ago, I received the little dwarf’s Blessing. I registered it as lv.3’s Level 2 Adventurer not long ago. Now, what is your Ability Value? I am starting to be curious. Let’s hurry!”
As Loki said, Finn entire group was also curious.
Special is Ais, a pair of jewel-like eyes revealing an expectation.
The last time I saw Noah’s Ability Value, it was when Noah gave Crush Instruction to Ais.
At that time, Noah’s Ability Value had already surprised Ais once.
Ais Special’s expectations.
Looking forward to this, Shadow has been screaming at his own emotions. The companions in Familia have claimed that they like his man. Now, what kind of growth has come.
Of course, these people who are looking forward to seeing Noah’s Ability Value don’t know.
Noah’s real Ability Value is long gone.
Now, Noah is the same as the one who first entered this world, and did not receive Blessing.
In this way, naturally there will be no change.
However, Noah is very natural nodded, said such a sentence.
“Then change the sect first!”
After that, a group of people began to go to the direction of Loki’s room.
Loki’s room is located on the top floor of the central tower surrounded by the rest of the tower.
The crowd climbed up the spiral staircase set in the tower and came to the front of the room, and under the leadership of Loki, they entered it together.
It was a very awkward room.
Every corner of the room is filled with miscellaneous items, and many small wine cabinets are prepared, with a bottle of wine inside, enough to see the hobby of the room master.
Everyone looked at this messy room, and it was speechless for a while.
Only Loki, a pair of as it should be by rights, walked in, did not know where to move out of the two stools, placed in the center of the room, first sit down and greet Noah.
“Take off the upper garment and come and sit down.”
Hear this, Noah did not follow suit, but first looked at Ais entire group, a weird voice.
“could it be that, are you going to look here?”
Everyone suddenly showed a smirk.
Obviously, these people are all ready to stay here.
Noah can only roll the eyes, and shortly afterwards did not refuse. He took off the jacket directly and untied the shirt to expose the upper body.
“It’s quite solid…”
Tiona and Tione stared at Noah’s shirtless look.
Ais and Lefiya, who have never seen the opposite sex, are a red face of a charming face, shy.
However, everyone looked like Denatus (God) and turned their eyes to look behind Noah’s.
Then everyone in the room saw it all.
On Noah’s back, a huge engraving like the inscription is almost full of Noah’s entire back, printed into everyone’s eyes.
Only, the seal is a bit bleak, and even the color has faded a lot, so that others can not completely see the information written on it.
The recognized Ability Value is in a sealed state, not activated, and there is no sign of an increase in the effect.
Although, Noah doesn’t have the so-called Ability Value at all.
Blessing portrayed on the back, only fake.