Chapter 2290

绗琗NUMX绔 娴侀紶€侀紶

鈥滀紞浼氶昵锛屼綘阃夋垜鏄笉浼氭湁阌欑殑锛屾垜涓 瀹 瀹 瀹 彲浠ユ 彲浠ユ 彲浠ユ 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹岖鏄粈涔堜笢瑗匡纴鍙︼浣犻渶瑕侊纴銆 閮 閮 閮 閮 兘缁欎綘瀹夊叏阃佸埌娓 宀 宀 傗 傗 濊 濊 濊 濊 濊 濊 濊 濊鍐缭璇佺殑浜哄凡缁忎笉鏄涓€涓﹄简銆

浣嗘槸浼嶅崖鍐湅杩囦粬浠韩涓婃病塜u Yun 瑕佺殑闾d笁阆 鐤や箣钖庯纴椹笂灏卞洖缁濅 鐤や箣钖庯纴椹笂灏卞洖缁濅 鐤や箣钖庯纴椹笂灏卞洖缁濅 鐤や箣钖庯纴椹笂灏卞洖缁濅 锛 沧垜鐪嬩綘 沧垜鐪嬩綘 沧垜鐪嬩綘杩 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 椤憿锛屽洖铡诲惂锛岀瓑浠ュ悗 夋満浼 夋満浼 夋満浼 夋満浼 夋満浼 傗 傗

鈥滀 浠 涔埚晩锛熲 涔埚晩锛熲 涔埚晩锛熲 濋偅浜 濋偅浜 濋偅浜 濋偅浜 濋偅浜 笉 笉 笉 笉 滀紞浼氶昵锛岄毦阆 滀紞浼氶昵锛岄毦阆 滀紞浼氶昵锛岄毦阆 滀紞浼氶昵锛岄毦阆 滀紞浼氶昵锛岄毦阆 滀紞浼氶昵锛岄毦阆 滀紞浼氶昵锛岄毦阆垜鐪熺殑鍙 垜鐪熺殑鍙 镄勶纴鎴戜笉鏄涓 娆 仛杩欐牱瀛愮殑浜嬫儏浜嗭纴鍗 仛杩欐牱瀛愮殑浜嬫儏浜嗭纴鍗 仛杩欐牱瀛愮殑浜嬫儏浜嗭纴鍗 仛杩欐牱瀛愮殑浜嬫儏浜嗭纴鍗 仛杩欐牱瀛愮殑浜嬫儏浜嗭纴鍗 佽 佽 佽 佽 佽绉佹捣娲涘洜锛屽彧瑕侀偅杈 兘 兘 変 変 変 変 缁欐垜鎺ュ簲锛屾垜涔熶竴镙 兘缁欎綘鎼炲畾銆傗 兘缁欎綘鎼炲畾銆傗

浼嶅 鍐灙浜呜 鍐灙浜呜 鍐灙浜呜 鍐灙浜呜 鍐灙浜呜 鍐灙浜呜 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭 涔堟剰镐濆晩锛熶笁銮蹭涓岖煡阆掳纻鐪嬫牱瀛愪綘 氲 氲 氲 杩欑浜嫔 杩欑浜嫔 鍟婏纻琛岋纴锲炲ご鎴戝ソ濂 鍟婏纻琛岋纴锲炲ご鎴戝ソ濂 鍟婏纻琛岋纴锲炲ご鎴戝ソ濂暍鍦ㄥお寮仛杩欑鐢熸剰銆傗€

鈥沧垜娌°C湁锛屾垜灏辨槸闅忎研究璇璇璇镄勶紒鈥濋偅浜镄勶紒鈥濋偅浜剰璇嗗埌璇撮敊璇濓纴璧剁揣阆撴瓑鎯璧璧锛锛€沧垜鐪熶粈涔堥兘娌”仛锛屾眰鍐掼铡熻皡锛岃 Umbrella 娆 $殑浜嬫儏鎴戝仛涓崭 锛屾湁 锛屾湁 chain 轰 鎴戜竴瀹 鎴戜竴瀹 ソ濂〃鐜like €€

浼嶅 鍐幇鍦ㄦ 鍐幇鍦ㄦ 宸ュか鐞嗕 宸ュか鐞嗕 浠栵纴涔熷 浠栵纴涔熷 浠栵纴涔熷 浠栵纴涔熷 浠栵纴涔熷 浼欐簻璧 浼欐簻璧 浼欐簻璧 浼欐簻璧

绱ц窡镌€杩涙潵浜嗕竴涓︼韩鏉愮煯灏忓嵈闀垮缑寰堢簿绁炵殑涓€涓浼欙纴浠栫湅鍒涓浼欙纴浠栫湅鍒鎴戜粙缁嶉死锛气滀紞浼氶昵锛屾垜鏄崡娴滀紞浼氶昵锛屾垜鏄崡娴镄勫厗鑸掓捣锛岃璇嗘垜镄勪镄勫厗鑸掓捣锛岃璇嗘垜镄勪镄勫厗鑸掓捣锛岃璇嗘垜镄勪镄勫厗鑸掓捣锛岃璇嗘垜镄勪閮閮彨鎴戞捣彨鎴戞捣寮矝 ㄥ洿镄勬 ㄥ洿镄勬 璺纴娌 °C湁鎴戜笉镡熸倝镄勩€傗€

鈥沧捣 侀紶锛熲 濅紞鍏冨啲 濅紞鍏冨啲 startled 锛岃 锛岃 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 殑鐪 殑鐪 殑鐪 岄 岄 岄 岄 岄 岄 岄 岄 涓崭竴镙 涓崭竴镙€侊纴鍙湁鐪熸鍑舵镄勫浼欐墠镄勫浼欐墠镄勫浼欐墠夎夎

Chain 変簺浜 殑璇濇槸瑁呯殑锛屼紞鍏冨啲涓 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪嫔缑鍑 鐪嫔缑鍑 鐪嫔缑鍑 鐪嫔缑鍑 鐪嫔缑鍑 潵锛屽 潵锛屽 潵锛屽 潵锛屽 潵锛屽 杩 杩 杩 杩 杩囦 锛屼粈涔堜篃涓嶆 曪纴鍙︼阍卞埌浣嶏纴浠 曪纴鍙︼阍卞埌浣嶏纴浠 涔堜簨鍎 涔堜簨鍎 兘 兘 兘 缑鍑 缑鍑 缑鍑 缑鍑 缑鍑 缑鍑

瓒婃槸闾g浜浜纴鍙嶈岃秺鏄笉闱犺岃秺鏄笉闱犺岃秺鏄笉闱犺銆傜湡姝潃杩囦潃杩囦潃杩囦镄勪镄勪锛屾牴锛屾牴笉笉瑕佽锛屼竴涓︻溂绁炲 ammonia 鑳 祦 祦 祦 祦 嚭浠栭ⅷ瀛愰噷镄勯偅绉岖嫚锷 嚭浠栭ⅷ瀛愰噷镄勯偅绉岖嫚锷

杩欎 鍏呜垝娴 鍏呜垝娴 殑鐪 殑鐪 殑鐪 殑鐪 殑鐪  岄 岄 岄 岄 岄 灏辫窡鍒氭墠镄勯偅浜涗 灏辫窡鍒氭墠镄勯偅浜涗 灏辫窡鍒氭墠镄勯偅浜涗 灏辫窡鍒氭墠镄勯偅浜涗 灏辫窡鍒氭墠镄勯偅浜涗墠鏄湡姝f潃杩囦汉镄勪汉锻€€

“It’s what others call me. I don’t like this name myself.” Zhao Shuhai said.

Wu Yuandong nodded: “To be honest, I don’t like your name… but I seem to have heard of you.”

“It is my pleasure to let the president of the board know a little.” Zhao Shuhai said: “Wu, I don’t know if I am qualified to work for Sanlian.”

“Undressing, let me see if you are not strong enough. This is not something that ordinary people can do. If the average person can do it, Sanlian will not have such a high salary.” Wu Yuandong said: “The sea I have heard the name of the mouse, and you are also the number one person on the waterway.”

Zhao Shuhai waved: “That’s all the brothers on the road give face.”

After that, Zhao Shuhai took off his shirt: “Mr. Wu, I am blunt, I am afraid I can’t see anything. If you want to look at strength or look at strength, organize it. Let’s see who can play, who is enough.” Isn’t it simpler?”

Wu Yuandong’s eyes were on the three scars on the chest of Zhao Shuhai. The three scars were separated by a finger and were about twenty centimeters long. They were exactly the same as Xu Yun said.

Well, you are a sea rat, Lao Tzu is please enter the scorpion, I did not expect that you such a small mouse really got in.

“Okay, very good.” Wu Yuandong said to Zhao Shuhai: “I see your qualifications are very good, suitable for this trip to Sanlian. I see you have this qualification, so I will give you this opportunity, but Can you help Sanlian to do things, or let our president know what to do.”

Zhao Shuhai smiled and said: “Is this the thing that the president can’t do?”

“What do you mean by this?” Wu Yuandong said: “Is it worth looking at Wu Yuandong, or is it to provoke my relationship with Miss President?”

“Nothing, no, absolutely no, I absolutely don’t dare to have any other ideas.” Zhao Shuhai said: “The introduction of President Wu is my blessing.”

“That’s a fucking nonsense.” Wu Yuandong said: “Go, go back to see the president, if you can see you, even if you brat made a profit, this money will make you earn, It’s enough for you to spend half a lifetime.”


After the sea rat and Wu Yuandong got on the bus, they thought about what they should do after earning the money. He has been desperately making money in the past two years, not to be able to do it after he has finished this year.

Now there is such a good opportunity to earn money for the rest of his life at a time. Of course, he must seize it anyway. Never let such a good opportunity slip away in front of you.

So no matter what, he will get the opportunity to help Sanlian to do things.

Soon, Zhao Shuhai was brought back by Wu Yuandong. Xu Yun did not expect that this would be a reward on the first day, far beyond his expectations, which made Xu Yun’s mood very good, a good sign, perhaps means that the next thing will be smooth sailing. .

“I really want to see and see who this sea mouse is. The money that kills people and arson is also earning. Is this courage too much?” Lin Suyin said: “It really gives us a shame.”

“He is waiting in the living room.” Wu Yuandong said: “Let’s go and have a look, Xu Yun, brother, there is the kind of scar that you said, and I look at that look, it is also a very bad thing. People.”

Xu Yun nodded. He believed that Wu Yuandong would not be wrong.

When Xu Yun and Lin Suyin came to the reception room together, Zhao Shuhai was sitting on the sofa waiting for it. When she saw the president of the Sanlian Club, she came out. He was sensible and hurriedly stood up.

“Mr. Chang, my name is Zhao Shuhai.” Zhao Shuhai said very well: “I was brought in by President Wu. I heard that Miss Changda has a batch of goods to go to Hong Kong and Macao to send?”

Lin Suyin said: “It looks like you are still in a hurry. When you come, you will see the mountain.”

“hehe… I have always been very cautious in doing things. Please be assured that things will be given to me. There will be absolutely no mistakes.” Zhao Shuhai said: “I will guarantee that things will be delivered on time. If I still need other things. Things, as long as the price is reasonable, nothing is wrong.”

“As long as the price is priced, the murder thing can’t be done.” Xu Yun throws the question out without saying anything: “How much, you can say it yourself.”

Zhao Shuhai looked at Xu Yun with a strange look. Although he didn’t know who Xu Yun was, but he could stand with Lin Suyin, it must not be simple: “How much do you think is appropriate, you give a few What?”

“Hey, I don’t think I don’t know the rules. I want to marry me?” Xu Yun sneered: “Wu, this kind of person, you still send it away directly, I don’t do business with people who play with it.” “”

Xu Yun spoke a hand and was really ready to go. This song sang made Lin Suyin and Wu Yuandong not ready.

Zhao Shuhai’s reaction is also fast enough: “Boss! Please wait!”

“What else do you say? You better not bother me and the time of the meeting, or I will make you regret it.” Xu Yun turned back and pointed to Zhaoshuhaidao.

Zhao Shuhai smiled and said: “I look at the boss, you are also a refreshing person. Well, I will give you a price, five hundred thousand thousand new Taiwan dollars, and I promise that things will be done seamlessly for you, and will never be discovered. ”

Xu Yun looked at Zhao Shuhai with questioning eyes: “Five hundred thousand thousand Taiwan dollars? You can quite open a lion. If I want you to be a person, what do you do?”

“Taking a knife.” Zhao Shuhai said: “Boss, you can rest assured that as long as the money is in place, I will definitely do it for you. The knife is more reliable than anything, one knife is not dead, two knife is not dead, three knife, I will have a knife sooner or later. Let the people you want to do break out! That is the safety of 100%!”

“Oh, okay.” Xu Yun said: “It’s just that you are priced at the knife, so why do you have the ambition to ask for the price?”

Zhao Shuhai said: “The dissatisfied boss said that this kind of work I really just did, this price is the market price… If you feel right, then I am willing to serve you.”